StarTropics » Characters
Chapters:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

Chapter 1 Characters
Michael Jones    
Always refered to as Mike in the game, he is a 15 year old ace pitcher from the wonderful city of Seattle. He is the nephew of Dr. Steve Jones, and the hero of this story.

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Baboo is Dr. Jone's assistant. He'll help you in the first chapter, and then you'll leave the island. But don't worry! You'll meet up with him again later on.

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Chief Coralcola    
The chief of C-Island, Cheif Corlacola, knows Dr. Jones the best. He tells you the story of Dr. J's dissapearance, and gives you your Island Yo-yo.

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Island Sharmen    
The Sharmen of C-Island, and the sister to Chief Coralcola. She will guide you when you lose hope in the game. (actually, she just annoyingly appears on the Game Over screen)

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The character Nav-Com(a tiny robot in Sub-C), is actually a cameo of Nintendo's ROB(Robotic Operated Bubby).



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