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How to Download our Files
To keep sites running fast, Game Spy has required all of their hosted sites to host large files on their free download servers, File Planet. Downloading files off there is free if you use the public servers. If you want, you can buy a personal server and you won't have to wait in line, however, I only recommend doing that if you download a ton of files daily from File Planet.

Downloading is simple. Just follow these steps.

1) First off, you need a Game Spy ID in order to download files. Signing up for one is free and easy. Not only does it allow you to download files, but you can use it for Game Spy Aracde and Game Spy's Message Boards.
2) Here at SoaH, click the link of the item you wish to download. IF you get a 404 File Not Found eroror, hit the back button on your web browser and click on the link again. I'm not sure why this problem happens sometimes.
3) You'll be rejected to File Planet's download page. Scroll down the page to the "File Planet Public Servers" section.
4) Select a free mirror to the download the file from and click on the "Download" image. If you don't see this download image, then please come back later as they might be doing maintance on the servers.
5) A pop up window will appear, asking you if you want to download the file or wait in line.
5a) If it asks you to wait in line, then click on the "Let's Go" button. It will give you a spot in line. This usually doesn't take long. Once it's your turn, a sound will tell you to download the file. To download, click the link "Click here to start [file]", or for movie files, right-click and choose "Save-As". If no choice is made after 60 seconds, you will be automatically redirected to the file.
6b) If you can download the file, be sure to right click (or click and hold) and "Save Target As..." or whatever it will say and download the file on your computer.
7) Open the file!

That's all there is to it. It's not that hard. Check out File Planet's Newbie Guide for more information on how File Planet works.

Question: I'm getting a 404 File Not Found Error. Can you fix it? Answer: The file is there actually. Hit the back button on the browser and click on the link again. I'm not sure why, but this happens sometimes. I test all of my links to make sure they work, so if you're getting the error still try hitting reload.

Question: There are no public mirrors. What's going on? Answer: Sometimes the mirrors will be down for maintaince. Try downloading the file again later on.

Question: I'm still confused on how this works. Can you help me? Answer: Check out File Planet's Newbie Guide for more information on how File Planet works.

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