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String tools
STR file de-compiler v1.10 A program that can de-compile the STR file to its original 8 INI file. Which can then be compiled by the game itself to a new STR file. Works for both DA and SE. Lasse Jensen
String Editor v1.00 A String file editor that lets you edit existing strings and create new strings directly in the PG3.str file. Seams to work for both SE and DA. Steve Farrell
Scenario & Campaign tools
Campaign editor v1.0 Campaign editor for SE. Steve Farrell
Leader quality editor v1.0 This lets you edit the overall leader quality for either country in a scenario. Steve Farrell
Graphic tools
BMZ maker v26 Sep 1999 Can read all BMZ files in both PGIII games and convert them to BMP. This is a rip from the DA demo, where it is included - probably a error by SSI :) SSI
Image File Converter v1.00 Works much like the BMZ maker from SSI, however this can also read image data from NIF files. It cannot actually read the NIF format,  but more like the texture (or image) in the file. Steve Farrell
Equipment tools
PM analyzer v25 May 2000 This is very close to be a equipment file editor for DA. I don't know if this works fully correct for SE. You may want to read the PM spec at the same time, as there is a lot of unknown fields in this program. Stefano Ferrari
SEEED v1.10 A SE Equipment editor. Can be very freighting looking when it just starts up, but be cool and you'll get the hang of it. This program requires the Delphi 5.01 Runtime Library, which unfortunately is not included in the download. Stone4z