August, 2002
Saturday, August
31, 2002 |
Zauron's FAQ updated, now complete! -
03:15 EST
Zauron's great MoonBase
Commander FAQ has been updated...
0.9 - (8/30/2) The
last Challenge Level tips are done. Proofread and fixed
typos and such. This means the guide is now complete! I
still have .1 version numbers remaining before 1.0, but
I will save it just in case I find a mistake or new
piece of information or something somewhere down the
road. For now though, I consider this guide a 100%
complete guide to Moonbase Commander. Yay! |
If you haven't yet read it, you really should now.
Friday, August
30, 2002 |
New custom
map. - 20:39 EST
scott77's A
Pirate's Booty, a new custom map, is available. If you
like custom maps you should be keeping an eye on the Mapping
wallpapers and more... -
20:30 EST
I won't normally be telling
you everytime another MBC site is updated, but DeWulf
Industrial has just gone through a pretty hefty update that
you don't want to miss.
Thursday, August
29, 2002 |
review. - 22:46 EST
GameSpy put up their MoonBase
Commander review today and they gave it a "Good"
72, saying that it might be just a bit too simple.
update. - 15:27 EST
handy MoonbaseIP utility has been updated...
- MoonbaseIP
has been updated one last time to fix a minor bug where
continuous use would make your Moonbase.ini file look
messed up (but it would still work okay). This new
version will not only prevent this from happening but it
will fix any messed up .ini files the first time you
launch Moonbase Commander with it (or just choose Exit
from the File menu to have it fix the .ini file without
launching the game).
Wednesday, August
28, 2002 |
Map attack! -
21:06 EST
Got a bunch of news maps
here. You might notice that they're missing descriptions
and pics on the files page, so here's
the deal: if you want your map to appear there with a
description and pic just send
'em to me along with the map (unless the map's already
there, of course).
By BPLlama: LlamaForts.zip
and Petal.zip.
By jonthegm: islnd_myhm_v1.zip
and SpiralDoom.zip.
By Killdrath: moat.zip.
By Ravage: TheIsle.zip,
and Hourglass.zip.
firewall/router help. -
18:56 EST
If you're still having any
kind of firewall/router trouble, reading this
thread carefully is highly recommended.
Tuesday, August
27, 2002 |
IGN review. -
13:09 EST
IGN put a MoonBase
Commander review yesterday. The reviewer was
pleasantly surprised by the game. It's a good review too.
Zauron's FAQ
update. - 02:39 EST
Zauron's great MoonBase
Commander FAQ has been updated...
0.8 - (8/26/2)
Added System 7's Challenge Levels tips. Also added info
on getting replays showing how to beat the challenge
mode levels from my website. This thing is about 90%
done now! |
Sunday, August
25, 2002 |
doesn't like it. - 21:05 EST
Hell has a MoonBase
Commander review up, and the reviewer didn't like it.
The readers there seem to think it's a pretty good game
though. Head over and submit your own reader rating.
New map. -
18:49 EST
a new medium-sized map by Org, is
And the MBC
t-shirt goes to... - 13:19 EST
Congratulations to Mourning
Zero, the winner of yesterday's newbie
And thanks to Onveric for organizing the tournament. It sounds
like it went really well.
Saturday, August
24, 2002 |
It's almost
newbie tournament time! -
13:13 EST
Remember, Onveric's newbie
tournament starts today at 4pm EST (1pm PST).
Please meet up with everyone early in either GameSpy's MBC room
or #MoonBaseCommandCenter
on irc.gamesnet.net. Onveric posted a small
update last night with a few more details, so check that
Friday, August
23, 2002 |
IGN Insider
article. - 14:40 EST
Insider put up a little article
about MoonBase Commander yesterday. It's almost
confusing to read first thing after you wake up, but I get the
impression that they like the game, and though they seem to think
it's best for children and not-so-hardcore gamers, we know
better. We also know that it's out now, not in the Fall,
and is good for 4 players, not just 2 :)
Thursday, August
22, 2002 |
Newbie tournament update. -
19:50 EST
Onveric has posted a newbie
tournament update, breaking in the new forums.
Important to note is that you have to register
with Onveric by midnight PST tomorrow to have your spot guaranteed.
New and improved forums! -
19:08 EST
New and improved MoonBase
Commander Forums are now online over at ForumPlanet.
I may still change the look of them, but they're functional now,
so if you could please switch to using them that'd be
great. The old forums will still be available for a few
days so you can finish up any discussions there, but please try
to take things over to the new forums (they're quite a bit
Tuesday, August
20, 2002 |
Newbie tournament update. -
23:36 EST
Don't miss it.
Update: a set of rules for the tournament has been added
to the post.
Still don't
have MBC? - 16:15 EST
has it for a measly $16 and Best
Buy is currently offering free ground shipping on everything
(with discounts on other shipping methods too). Them's
good deals, if you live in the USA.
Monday, August
19, 2002 |
Win a
MoonBase Commander t-shirt! -
23:05 EST
Patrick Wylie (MBC's
producer) is offering a MoonBase Commander t-shirt to the winner
of Onveric's
newbie tournament. The tournament is definitely a go now,
so let
Onveric know if you want in.
tourny? - 15:05 EST
Onveric is thinking about
setting up a little 1v1 newbie tournament. Check his post
and let him know if you'd be interested. It sounds like
he'll get something organized soon if enough of you are up for
Firewall &
router help. - 16:15 EST
Sarako has posted some
helpful info over on the ChinaCats
site about how she was able to join and play an internet game of
MBC through her firewall. You can also check out this post
by riiv, which contains some
helpful info.
If you're trying to play
through a router then you should set your computer (somewhere in
your router's setup) to be the DMZ. This will expose your
computer to the internet (all ports will be routed to your
computer by default) so that your router no longer provides any
sort of protection for your computer, and that will let you join
and play MBC games without trouble. You might still
experience problems if you host games, however (try it though,
because you might not). You
may also see the odd duplicate chat message in-game, but that
won't cause any problems.
Where are all
the internet games? - 16:12 EST
The in-game multiplayer hosting and
joining is for LAN games only. You won't see internet
games listed there. You need GameSpy
Arcade to find people to play with. Or, if you've got
people to play with, you can try Zauron's MoonBaseIP,
which allows direct-connect games.
Saturday, August
17, 2002 |
Maps! -
14:26 EST
I've just added 4 of my own
maps to the Files
page. They were named with all the creativity I used when
naming this site: Covak 3, Covak 4, Covak 5, and Covak 6...
yeah. They're generally best for 2v2, as that's my
favorite way to play, but they work well for most other game
setups too. I recommend the Covak
Maps pack (containing all 4 maps) to simplify the
downloading. And, of course, Zauron's great MBCImport
tool should be used to install the maps.
Not quite out
everywhere... - 04:36 EST
As many of you have noticed
(and thanks for informing me), MBC isn't quite out everywhere.
Stores that don't yet have it all seem to be saying "Tuesday".
And check out the Amazon.com
Hot 100 Software Products. MoonBase was rising
all day yesterday and was #12 last I checked. That ain't
bad. They're selling it
for $16 there ($4 less than everywhere else, though they're not
shipping until Tuesday).
Friday, August
16, 2002 |
It's out! -
12:26 EST
around here (Toronto) now have MoonBase Commander on their shelves.
I'd call ahead before you run out to buy it though, because they
seem to have very limited quantities right now.
Don't forget that they're also shipping online
orders already. Some who pre-ordered with one-day
shipping got their hands on the game yesterday.
For other stores it still looks like next Tuesday, the 20th,
will be the release date.
Thursday, August
15, 2002 |
Zauron's FAQ
update. - 16:05 EST
Zauron's great MoonBase
Commander FAQ was updated today...
0.7 - (8/15/2)
Fixed a few minor errors, updated Utilities section.
Added tips for NiceCo and DeWulf's challenge levels.
Once I finish the last 8 Challenge Levels I consider
this guide complete. |
An 8.3 from
GameSpot. - 15:26 EST
has a great MoonBase
Commander review up. Contrary to what the reviewer
writes, though, you can team chat (start messages with
"team:" to chat privately with your team).
And a single hub can
accommodate 11 structures if you're careful :)
impressions. - 11:06 EST
Some nice demo
impressions have been posted over on AllOutGames.
You can also check EB's
customer reviews for further opinions from gamers.
Wednesday, August
14, 2002 |
Shipping! -
18:59 EST
I've heard that someone who
ordered MoonBase Commander from EB
has received their shipping confirmation and EB
stores say they'll probably have it tomorrow or Friday,
so keep a close eye on them.
Tuesday, August
13, 2002 |
IRC chat! -
21:24 EST
on irc.gamesnet.net has been setup for MBC chatting.
If you don't have a proper IRC client (try mIRC),
GamesNET has a couple of web-based
clients that you can try.
Coming soon...
- 17:56 EST
MoonBase Commander is
supposed to be shipping today, but is it? BestBuy.com
says it was released last Friday, but if you call one of their
stores they'll tell you that they won't have it until next
Tuesday, the 20th, which is when Amazon.com
says it's being released. GameStop.com
changed their ETA to tomorrow. And last I heard an EB
up here in Canada thinks they'll have the game on Friday.
So, anyway, it's coming... soonish. I'll say more on the
subject when there's something more concrete to post.
Thursday, August
8, 2002 |
update. - 20:05 EST
Zauron's homepage has
turned into Zauron's
Lair, which is looking great. His MoonbaseIP
utility was also updated...
8/8/2 -
MoonbaseIP has been updated to fix a minor bug where if
you ran the utility before playing Moonbase Commander
the first time then your game options wouldn't save.
This should no longer be a problem with this version.
Wednesday, August
7, 2002 |
Forums! -
11:51 EST
This site's Forums
are now online for all kinds of MBC discussion goodness.
Link fix. -
11:48 EST
If you had any trouble with
my links to Zauron's MoonBase
Commander FAQ yesterday, try now. Thanks Zauron.
Tuesday, August
6, 2002 |
Zauron's FAQ
update. - 15:15 EST
A small update was made to
Zauron's great MoonBase
Commander FAQ.
0.6 -
(8/01/2) Modified/corrected information on how Reclaims
react to Virus- infected buildings. Proofread entire
guide again and fixed minor errors.
Monday, August
5, 2002 |
ChinaCats! -
23:30 EST
big welcome goes out to Clan
ChinaCats. They're the second MBC clan (DeWulf
Industrial being the first). Their homepage features a
little fan fiction, a few maps and replays for download, and a
Interview with Rhett and Patrick! -
23:28 EST
has put up an interview
with Rhett Mathis (the game's lead designer, and more) and
Patrick Wylie (the game's producer, and also more) in which
almost every aspect of the game is touched on. I
guess I'll try playing against three allied Brutakii next time I
Help has
arrived. - 23:23 EST
you ever have a problem with MBC try my Support
page (there's actually a little something there now).
Friday, August
2, 2002 |
The demo is out! -
21:59 EST
You can now download the demo
(from FilePlanet).





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