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Versions & Patches
3D Assault v1.01 Patch for PG3D Assault American version SSI
3D Assault v1.01 Patch for PG3D Assault British/English version SSI
3D Western Assault v1.01 Patch for PG3D Western Assault German version SSI
3D Assault v1.01 Patch for PG3D Assault French version SSI
Scorched Earth v1.10 Patch for PG3 Scorched Earth English version. Note there is only one English patch, unlike Assault where there is a British and American. SSI
Unternehmen Barbarossa v1.10 Patch for PG3 Unternehmen Barberossa German version SSI
Front de l'est v1.10 Patch for PG3 Front de l'est French version SSI