This Web-Site is dedicated to the creation and sharing of Trick Shots for the best series of pool simulations ever made, the Virtual Pool Series. Although there have been four games so far in this series(including Virtual Pool Hall), I have shots for the two games that I have, Virtual Pool 2 and Virtual Pool 3. These two games allow you to do some amazing things.
My trick shots include some visually incredible tricks. Most of my shots would be impossible in real life, and without ball tracking, would be almost equally as impossible in the game itself. Some of my shots use bugs in the program,such as balls accellerating for no reason, and to speeds that normally you can't achieve in the game. Some use little quirks that Celeris probably knew about but did not think anyone would notice, after all, what normal person is going to make the balls ride on top of the rails on purpose? The shot above wouldn't be possible if not for the fact that the diamonds(dots) in the rails aren't flush. The fact is that you can bounce right off them.
Some of my shots are inspired by shots I found on the Celeris web-site for a Trick Shot Contest using VP2. The link to this page is on my Links page. Some of these shots will therefore seem very similar to the ones found on that page.
If anyone wants to send me shots for the other games, feel free. I will post them, but without pictures since I have no way to test them.
I also have custom cues for Virtual Pool 3. These cues are created by me. I do take requests for personalized cues, as long as they are not religious in nature or pornographic. Why not religious? Because it would be hypocritical of me to support other faiths that I do not believe by using their symbols and/or images on my cues(if you want to know more about my religion, use the Contact Me link and I'll be happy to discuss it).
Yes, I can put personal pictures(such as your spouse, your kids, or your pet) on your cue, but obviously, you must supply the pictures. Tall thin ones work the best.
I would like to thank the guys at for their help in getting the cueskinner program made, as well as the cue installer. Without them, custom cues would not be possible. Out of respect for them, I carefully check the serial numbers they assign the cues at their site in order to prevent crossovers. Since I am not perfect, if you find that you one of my cues has the same number as one of theirs, please let me know so I can change it. Thanks.
As a final thought, both my shots and my cues require you to be in hardware acceleration mode to use them. The shots will not perform properly otherwise, and the cues will not show up. Please be sure you are in this mode if your computer supports it.. Both VP2 and VP3 look much better in these modes anyway.
Recently, Celeris switched to a downloadable version of VP3. Although this is a good thing, since it allows for a virtually unlimited number of cues. It also means that most of the shots available on this site no longer work. I will be trying to make new shots for the DL version but most will not be as dramatic since the amount of english you can put on the cueball has been severly reduced. So keep an eye out for new shots.