Basic Triggered Monster Spawn

1) Creature Generator
2) Trigger


Place a creature generator and a trigger in a map. Right click on
the creature generator and chose properties. We are concerned with "Events"
and "CreatureGenerator" selection options.

Expand "Events" and there are two options: event and tag. Leave event defaulted and chose
anyname (such as tag1)for the tag.

Expand "CreatureGenerator" and you will see about 20 options one of which "GenCreature" is
further expandable. When expanded two more expandable opitions appear: "0" and "1". Expand
"0". Clicking in the SpawnClass box reveals "clear" "use" and "..." options. Clicking on the
"..." opens the Actor Class Browser from which selection of the monster is accomplished.

visible--->pawn--->scripted pawn, then highlight the monster for the map. Close the Actor Class Browser then click the "use" button option and the selected monster will appear in the SpawnClass selection box.

Futher down there is GenRadius which seems to be how far away from the CreatureGenerator the monster MIGHT spawn. The default is 32. If the CreatureGenerator is to close to a wall the monster MAY spawn in a wall. Then there is MaxAlive and MaxGenerated. They seem connected, set both to the same number. If the number selected is more than one use TimerInteval to set how
long between spawns.


Highlight the trigger, right click and select properties. Expand "Events" name the Event the same as was used to name the CreatureGeneartor-->Events-->Tag in this case (tag1) and type in the name trigger for the Tag.

Expand the "collison" option The "collison radius" seems to be how far away from the placed trigger the player can be when the monster spawns. This can be seen vissually in the map but only in a 3D view window.

Here me now....It may help. More comin' so come ye round
Keyed Door Sac file