As you all have noticed for the past year, Down Under hasn't been updated or even touched. I figured that since the community and the team behind TY has been such a great asset to the site that they desreve to have a final goodbye to TY's first fan site.
Down Under started with the idea that TY needed his own media hub on the web. Not being satisfied with what was offered on his official site, I thought that it was best to take matters into my own hands. The first version of Down Under started on the week of January the first of 2003. A new layout was introduced every first week of the year for the three years that Down Under was running. Out of those three years, the site stayed strong with a community that cared and a solid development team.
Why did I decide that it was time to end the site? Well, I never fully decided. It's possible, though not likely, that i may ressurect the site and create a new layout with even more to offer. All I can say is that I moved on. My tastes in gaming have matured quite a bit. My free time isn't as plentiful as it used to be either. While before I may have had school and this site, I now am involved with my art, music and I'm also writing a book.
I urge you all to keep playing TY because I know I will still be playing the series even if I don't update the site anymore. I plan on leaving the forums up for everyone to enjoy and the old site will stay up as well, with all of it's old news and content still intact.
It was great while it lasted. Farewell and struth to you all!