In the kingdom of Galegia, humans and Gajumas, or beasts, co-existed in peace. But the peace suddenly ended with "The Day of Ladras' Fall", which was the day of the mysterious death of the king of the Gajuma, Ladras Lindblum.
Young Veigue Lungberg of the village of Sulles, has a special power over ice, triggered by his recklessness and emotions. He has never thought about leaving his village, until his village, and everyone he cares for, comes under attack by an unknown group.
Game Info
Developer: Namco Tales Studio
Publisher: Namco
Media: 1 DVD-ROM
Platform: PlayStation 2
Number of Players: 1-4
CERO Rating: A
Release Dates
: December 16, 2004
: N/A
: N/A
Box Art