Mini-FAQ Skies of Arcadia Web Browser The included web browser in Skies of Arcadia had so much potention. Instead a stripped down version was used. Instead of going to a homepage with secrets and help, a download page was used. The downloads are good in their own right, but an actual homepage would be nice. The purpose of this guide is to show how to use the included browser for what it should have been used for. When the Skies of Arcadia title screen comes up select the Homepage feature. Once the main browser screen is loaded hold A and press Start ten times. This enables several functions to navigate around the browser. To navigate use the following: Hold B and press Start for the Bookmark Manager Hold Y and press Start for the Browser History Hold X and press Start to connect to the Internet Move the cursor down to the address bar (to the left of the time) hold X and press A, a dialog box will come up were you can enter in a web address. By using these features the Skies of Arcadia browser can now be used for what it should have been, being able to view Skies of Arcadia webpages. As an added bonus if there are any saved images on a vmu the web browser will randomly load them into it's screen saver. To save an image move the cursor over it and hold X and press A. With this in mind the Skies of Arcadia browser can now visit Skies of Arcadia webpages. I recommend the following: Official Skies of Arcadia Homepage (America) Offical Eternal Arcadia Homepage (Japan) Note: This page is in Japanese, and text will not display properly. Overworks (Japan) Note: Again, this page is in Japanese, and text will not display correctly. Skies of Arcadia World / A big thanks goes to the people at, they are the ones who found out about the browser tricks.