<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") %> <% oRs.Source = "SELECT * FROM policy ORDER BY Modder" oRs.CursorType = 0 oRs.CursorLocation = 2 oRs.LockType = 3 oRs.Open oRs_numRows = 0 %> Starfleet Universe Modder's Policies List

Starfleet Universe Modder's Policies List  

Below is the list of Modders and their policies on topics such as kitbashing, editing, and releasing their mods. Please respect these modder's wishes as they give their hard work and artistic talent for free to this community for the benefit of all. If you're a modder and your policy is not listed, email Trekke1170

<% for k=1 to Request.QueryString("start") * 10 oRs.Movenext next Dim intCounter intCounter = 0 Do While intCounter < 100 %> ">
<%=(oRs.Fields.Item("Modder").Value)%> ("><%=(oRs.Fields.Item("Email").Value)%>)
Website: " target="_blank">Visit the Modder's Site
Policy: <%=(oRs.Fields.Item("Policy").Value)%>

<% oRs.Movenext intCounter =intCounter + 1 if oRS.EOF then Exit DO End If loop %>


Site Design & Graphics by Jon MacLellan.