IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat", and has been around for a very long time (Even before the World Wide Web came out) {Just a little Internet history for all of you}. mIRC is a program that will let you connect to thousands of chat rooms all over the world. We have set up a chat room of our own that most of the time there is always someone in it to answer questions. The first place you need to start is getting the program. Go to the link below to download the latest version of mIRC. mIRC HomePage |
Netiquette is how you act on the internet, and if your not carefull you can come across in a VERY bad way. Here are a few tips that if you remember will keep you out of trouble in the chat rooms and on the net in general.
1. Whenever you have a question, make sure you have looked over the main sites for editing/tutorials/forum to see if it's a common question that has been answered before. Nothing frustrates faster than being asked the same question over, and over, and over. If you don't know where to look that is different, but please do make an effort to look before asking.
2. When you ask a question in the chat room, or on the forum please be patient. If we don't answer your question 2 seconds right after you ask it then we are busy and we will answer it eventually. Pestering us will not make us answer the question any faster, in fact it may delay an answer.
3. Please try to watch your language while in the chat room. You never know who you might offend in the room and we try to keep it clean so we don't offend anyone.