#revolt-chat statistics generated by DSL_Tile & SuPeRTaRD

Statistics generated from Thursday 10.6.2004 to Saturday 28.8.2004
106 people visited #revolt-chat during this 80-day reporting period

0-6 Hours 0-6 6-12 Hours 6-12 12-18 Hours 12-18 18-24 Hours 18-24

#revolt-chat hourly stats

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity Statistics

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 @SuPeRTaRD 1920114925992656 8324 "mebbe it will play in a bit"
2 @AGT 67220383682 6382 "googy, he has pics of his new comp"
3 @DSL_Tile 3586172173536 4722 "my new job is cool tho, im likin it so far"
4 @X3msnake 6213102488 3860 "im gonna put it in ase"
5 @Alexc 759238587 3233 "Is noone going to question me"
6 @PhrozenPizza 1812806361277 2374 "http://www.phrozenfx.com/rvrc"
7 @revlo 1644781303182 2124 "want to use Linux/BSD?"
8 @KiLRoY 426501151 1642 "hmmm...need a very gentle foot eh"
9 @hilaire9 99171381308 1616 "right click small black ice icon and turn off Application protection"
10 @SlowJustice 432410642 1484 "they are going to release it when the 64 windows comes out"
11 @TheMeandMe 132328918 1408 "but you downstream didnt go down?"
12 @Manmountain 210637287 1138 "I think 1 RV unit = 2 Max units."
13 @DSLTerror 5621872 1016 "12:34:AM tis late, im off to bed"
14 @acme64 191190239350 970 "that was kinda loud..."
15 @Kukri 159630 789 "so anyway, did everyone fall asleep"
16 @stoned_SOD 27180277136 764 "umm this message is be for the tard :you calleth me fasteth with job ..."
17 @Gel 225374 629 "wanna hear my punk beat on the drums?"
18 @BumpyQuasar 129491 620 "http://members.shaw.ca/hettig4105/img/grizzly.jpg"
19 @BumpyQ 284302 586 "damn, I noticed you put some fronts on the car too"
20 @Skitch2_Max 64306101 498 "havin a nightmare with this bloody track at the mo"
21 @Warrn 128245 436 "You at all competitive in Re-Volt?"
22 @kv 107218111 420 "you need to identify to austnet again"
23 @_Hawk_ 310 310 "the shopping channe;"
24 @voodoo_melon 42191 252 "5 (4o o5)_____/"
25 @Volty 243 246 "i want a interior in it"
26 @ND_ru 14541 215 "time gap is unsuitable"
27 @Afty 9531 202 "i was refered by neighbor to there friend the boss"
28 @Blaide-X 154 198 "how old r you revlo?"
29 @Lightfall 133 174 "bolt extractors are a bitch"
30 @LaserBeams 138 172 "about how much time do you spend on UV versus modeling?"
31 @Quasar 7497 171 "man, that's a lot of porn"

These people wrote less than 160 lines:
@pin (150) @kvor (92) @roseladi (79) Shroomer (74) @Count`Shagula (73) @PatS (70)
@acme^_^ (59) ARacingTitan (53) @rst (48) @Billster (45) @TMaM (43) @amilo-revlo (43)
@GWC (37) @Nailz (34) anymouse (29) @lorev (28) @ASleepingTitan (28) @A_G_T (28)
@Warby (25) @BurnRubr (24) @rev (19) @iRiSh`WaRbZ (18) @Kid-Quasar (17) +ilikeyourvoices (15)
@stevejdowney (14) @ChanOP (14) @|revlo| (13) @OhNoNotWaRbZ (13) @Metropolis (13) @AGT_2 (13)
@WaRbZ (11) @djJazzOne (11) Sir_Thomas (10) silver_bull (10) @Riggs (10) @kvorlon (10)
@ws (9) @Tron_Man (9) Krusher (9) @blaide_ass_woop (9) A_friend (9) @Incognito (7)
AMonopolyTitan (7) @JustSlow (6) @KhanBoy (5) @DyiNG[aS`u]PLuR (5) CoLD`WorLd (5) superman22 (4)
@zZzZzZZzZzZZZzz (3) @TMaM|afk (3) the_REAL_Gel (3) @sleep (3) same (3) @RaaaWr (3)
@djJazz1 (3) blaide (3) AHungryTitan (3) @TheLogandMe (2) +AWorkingTitan (2) abcdefghijkl (2)

There were also 15 nicks who mainly idled...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1SuPeRTaRD - 1920
SuPeRTaRD - 1149
SuPeRTaRD - 2599
AGT - 3682
2KiLRoY - 426
Alexc - 759
Alexc - 2385
DSL_Tile - 3536
3DSL_Tile - 358
AGT - 672
AGT - 2038
SuPeRTaRD - 2656
4stoned_SOD - 271
DSL_Tile - 617
X3msnake - 1310
X3msnake - 2488
5acme64 - 191
revlo - 478
revlo - 1303
hilaire9 - 1308
6PhrozenPizza - 181
SlowJustice - 432
TheMeandMe - 918
PhrozenPizza - 1277
7revlo - 164
TheMeandMe - 328
Manmountain - 637
KiLRoY - 1151
8Kukri - 159
PhrozenPizza - 280
PhrozenPizza - 636
DSLTerror - 872
9TheMeandMe - 132
Manmountain - 210
SlowJustice - 410
SlowJustice - 642
10Warrn - 128
acme64 - 190
_Hawk_ - 310
Kukri - 630

Randomly-selected topics

Changed by New topic
SuPeRTaRD "0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de 2,14 www.re..."
ChanOP "0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de 2,14 www.re..."
TheMeandMe "0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de now with ..."
SuPeRTaRD "0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de now with ..."
SuPeRTaRD "0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de now with ..."
There were 28 topic changes during the reporting period

Big Numbers

DSL_Tile liked showing off, giving 580 self-descriptions.
 [07:11] * DSL_Tile is off to work now, cya l8r
SuPeRTaRD had the kicking boots on, using them on 7 people in #revolt-chat.
 [20:01] <AGT> bbiab
[21:25] * AGT was kicked by SuPeRTaRD (die! i pinged you!)

Also DSL_Tile tried to look cool by kicking out 5 people.

The sore butt award goes to Alexc for being kicked out 9 times.
 [14:21] <Alexc> yep
[14:22] * Alexc was kicked by Volty (SOUNDstfu)

Hidon was close behind with 4 kicks.

ChanOP gave the most ops - actually 904 of them.

Skitch2_Max couldn't handle the responsibility and had to be deopped 5 times.
Quasar was uncertain about many things - 25% of lines contained a question.

BumpyQuasar was almost as bad, having a question ratio of 25%.

79 net splits were detected during the reporting period - on average that is 6.91 splits per week

Most splits per day: 4 splits on 21.7.2004

Longest net split occurred on 26.6.2004 7:02 and lasted for 45 h 15 min (2 people dropped during this split)

The most people (9) dropped on 28.8.2004 17:33. This split lasted for 1 h 21 min.
#revolt-chat's nick flooders (they just couldn't find the right one...)
X3msnake16 Nicks X3msnake(90%), X3msnake_RVwork(4.8%), X3msnakeTesting(1.6%), X3msnake_Race(0.6%), X3m-(0.6%), X3mRacer(0.5%), X3msnake|dinax(0.4%), X3mUT03(0.4%), X3m-UT04(0.1%), X3m_out(0.1%), X3mCOD-fish(0.1%), X3msnake_bbl(0.1%), X3m-COD(0.1%), X3m(0.0%), X3mNap(0.0%), X3mBeach(0.0%)
AGT11 Nicks AGT(97%), AGamingTitan(1.0%), AGT_rq3(0.8%), AGT_ut03(0.3%), AGT_ut04(0.3%), AGoneTitan(0.2%), AGT_q3(0.1%), AGT-afk(0.1%), AGT_afk(0.0%), AGamingTitan-rq(0.0%), AGT-ut04(0.0%)
DSL_Tile10 Nicks DSL_Tile(89%), DSL_Tile-VP3(3.8%), DSL_Tile-Rq3(2.9%), DSL_Tile-RV(1.9%), DSL_Tile-work(1.4%), DSL_Tile1(0.1%), DSL_Tile-afk(0.1%), DSL_Tile-mow(0.1%), DSL_Tile-2(0.0%), DSL_Tile-doc(0.0%)
KiLRoY8 Nicks KiLRoY(93%), KiLRoY_vp3(2.0%), KiLRoY_rq3(1.9%), KiLRoY_Ut(1.8%), KiLRoYWuZEre(0.3%), KiLRoY_ut04(0.1%), KiLRoY-awol(0.0%), KiLRoY_away(0.0%)
acme647 Nicks acme64(99%), acme-cod(0.1%), acme2k3(0.1%), acme64-skool(0.0%), acme64-zzz(0.0%), acme64-cod(0.0%), acme64-co(0.0%)

Long term statistics - two week sections

6.3 15.3 29.3 12.4 26.4 10.5 24.5 7.6 21.6 5.7 19.7 2.8 16.8
Total number of lines: 117,754

The most active day so far has been Sunday 18.7.2004 with a line count of 2105

This page was created on 28.8.2004 23:00 with mIRCStats v1.21
Run time: 1 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper
mIRCStats is © 1998-2004 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen