Was the night before Xmas in the Revolt hood, no car was racing not even the PhatSlug. When all the sudden there came a great rumble that shook all the tracks and caused quite a stir, It was SantaClaus and his elfs ! They bring tidings for all in the Revolt Hood, there were cars and tracks, things were quite good. Then Santa disapeared and left behind his sleigh with a note on it saying have a Merry Christmas Day !!

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Well a couple of new, umm, vehicles shall i say (hehe), cause they are not cars per say. Also another lego track from GWC. The Holiday is getting closer so you may not see regular updates, but we will be back to normal afterwards (January). So if I dont see some of you have a great Xmas and a safe NewYear.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

I will start by apologizing to IronBob for missing his car post the last time, it is posted now in the originals 11 page. Have two tracks to post, one from Ti1eman and a team job by Bilster & Hilaire9. News on the RVA outlook is good as I renewed the domain for another year so we will still keep working as normal here. Also posting a Tut from BurnRubr on how to convert from MTM2 to Revolt, so check it out and hope to see some conversions coming from it.I have not heard from SantaClaus about the big post for this month but there is still time for it to happen. Till next time, be safe and Happy Shopping.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Sorry for the delay in updating, we have been busy for a change with work and the holiday coming. We have a great line-up to post this time and it starts with some reworked tracks from GWC, also one from Rickey D too. The Me & Me has sent in there 1st scratch made from the ground up car, well its a truck acually, they also sent in a team job Alfa Rameo done with Alan Guerzoni too. I will be posting a new tut from BurnRubr in the next couple of days, it shows how to convert from MTM to RV with a converted truck included as an example. Well I hope that you have a great ThanksGivingDay holiday and don't eat to much, hehe.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

We have a few cars to post this time and the MircStats are updated. Be sure to post at the forum on anything that you need or have questions about, there is lots of people to help with any troubles. Till next time.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Sorry for the delay in updating but we have a big one for you with 10 cars and 6 tracks, check them out. I have some news about Scloink for you, he is retiring as webmaster of RVA and passing it on to me. Scloink has gotten real busy with work and rl, therefore does not have enough time left to be involved with RVA anymore, he said that he will still be around and we should see a car or track from him time to time.
I would like to personally thank Scloink for all he has done for Revolt and all the work on the RVA web site, he helped make it what it is today, thanx man. Also thanx for all the help you gave me with editing for Revolt, the chance to texture some of your cars to learn Max better and for getting me involved in the RVA site, I have learned many things because of you, thank you and keep on Revolt'ing.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Iron Bob has sent in 3 original cars that have some awesome modeling work! and Afty posted a repaint that is very cool looking. Also have another new author named Toffe that sent in a track. Billster teamed up with Hiliare9 for an Extreme track they just sent in, be sure to check them all out. The Mirc Stats have been updated with the past weeks channel activity and there seems to be lots of things in the works is the word, can't wait. Till next time, keep the pedal down and keep off the walls!

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Just a quick post about a couple of news items. First, we have all sorted about the Night Hawk car and it is now fixed and ready for you to download. I would like to thank all the parties involved with it for the cooperation.
Second up is news about something really great. Santa Claus sent me an email that something will be posted for Revolt around December, there will be a lot fo them, 40+ is the word. I would like to point the track makers at this too, because it would be great for some related tracks to fit. Also I will be posting a thread at the RVA Forum about some input Mr.Claus would like before the final versions are posted, be sure to comment it will help a lot. Ok ok, yes, we have a sneak peak for you to see Here , enjoy.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

WOOT! I'm back to nor... being myself :D
New files this update: 1 repaint from GWC, 1 original car from Alex Coombes, and a new extreme track made by Yamada.

Notice: the car made by Alex has been removed untill some questions are answered.

That's all for this update
kv, out.

We have a new author "Alex Coombes" that posted a car, also posted a track from Billster. Of couse the Mirc Stats weekly update is posted. Hope all that are in school are doing well, remember Math is a very important subject for computer programing. Till next time, keep the pedal down and the race line straight.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Couple of cars added, one from DisturbancE and TheMe&Me, also a track from Pat S.
I have added a simple file search for ease of finding the files you want, just click the search link, follow the example and then just copy & paste the URL in your browser to get the file. Will work on makeing the URL into a hyper-link but for now it works, also Mirc stats are update check them out.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Well nothing to post but the Mirc stats.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Well the Me&Me did it, 200th car posted this time and an original from them too, also a track from Billster. Looks like we still have a spot open for help with RVA, if you are interested in being a RVA Crew member drop me an Email.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Two cars from TheMeandMe, one conversion from ShadowRacer, Yamada's Boxter has been updated, Gorothon submitted 5 repaints, and Shawn64's new lego extreme track has been completed. There were too many cars to post on this update, so if your's is among them, the will go up on the next update.

kv, out.

Added four new cars from TM&M and a new track from Hilaire9. Also updated the mirc stats. Looks like its school time again and the summer fun is over for some, hope you people that have school do well this year. Have a great week !

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Added the rest of the files with all cars this time. Some more conversions from TM&M, a couple of repaints and 2 original cars. Also added a wheel texture set from gtr_35 on the files page and a track from Sailor X.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Lots to add this time so im breaking it up in two updates. Starting off with a track from Shawn64, the Mirc stats and some new tools for you editors. Also the long awaited car fix is done, be sure to check it out. Will have a lot of cars to add for the next time, will be in a few days. We are in the last days of summer here so go catch some rays. Have a great week!

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Hey it's scloink!!

Yes I am still alive. Just thought I would pop a note up and let everyone know that I am ok (not that many cared). Hehe. I am adding my two latest cars to the mix here but I am sure most of you already have them. If not then go get them. I like them alot and had fun with them. The Camaro SS was made by beroc from LOD 3D who is a friend of mine and an awesome modeler. Go to here to have a look at something he is doing for a challenge at a cool little site called CG Talk. The Stingray was made by me and textured by beroc, I also made a skin for it. Have a try at both.

Also for those who don't know, beroc and I are working on a new version of RVA that should be easier to browse and also easier on our bandwidth usage. Not sure when it will be done as he is busy with his modelling for the challenge. Hopefully sometime this year. Hehe.

Well that all I have for now. Everyone keep plugging away and have fun!


Ok, 4 new cars this week at RVA.

1 conversion from The Me and Me. 1 repaint from Incogbla. 1 original from Gel. And finally, a Balloon from The Me and Me and SuPeRTaRD. This thing looks real interesting, give it a try.

That's all for now.

kv out.

A lot of cars added this time with ten total, some are very interesting vehicles, be sure to check them out. We have our newest member to the RVA Crew to welcome aboard today, it is 2fast4u or Digital_DT as some know him by from the Zone racing. He will be taking care of the RVAC section and keeping it updated & also racing the tracks at the zone for all of the people that want to race. Be sure to look at that section weekly again as he will post the new race selection for you to download, welcome aboard 2fast4u. The new Mirc stats are up take a look, have a great week.

Seems there has been some misunderstanding about the web content and how to go about posting it so I will clear this up. The web content at this site belongs to the author of such, like "cars, tracks, tuts, etc." If you would like to post it at your site it is up to the author to say: yes or no, so you must contact that person to get permission. If you get the permission then you must follow the rules by the author to post it, one such rule is to leave thier name on the content. Follow the web etiquette and there is no problem in posting the content to your site, hope this helps clear up how it should work.

I would like to welcome our Italian Revolters, there is some great web sites for Revolt with plenty of things that we dont get here at RVA so check them out, RV site is one with links to others, for some you will need a translator to read but great stuff there.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

WOOT! FIRST POST! er.. my first at least. :)
Ok, today's update: 3 conversions by TMaM, a lego extreme from ShadowRacer, and a lego extreme from Ordmet. The frontends I created for TrackMk and PRMBend have also been updated to fix a problem with spaces in folder names.

That's all for now, kv out.

A good update for you this time, some tracks, cars, and news. The cars are updated versions from gPstr, some great tracks posted too be sure to check them out.
Now for the news, we have a new member to the RVA Crew, its kv, he will be a great help in the updates area. Be looking for him with the next update and check the contacts page for his email address, welcome aboard kv. Will be adding one more member to help with the site just getting the particulars in order and will post it soon.

Thanks, DSL_Tile

Last of the files that were sent in up now, five cars and three tracks.

It has come to my attention that some are not pleased with the delays in updating and the way that the site is not obtainable at times. To clear thinks up I will explain a little. For one: we work, so our time is limited for computer things. Two: after a long hot day of working you don't feel like doing more work like: updates, corrections, etc. Three: the bandwidth issue is being worked on, we had no idea that RVA was used so much and the amount of bandwidth needed, to plan for future use we are tracking bandwidth and some useage time is needed for a good estimate, we are trying to do a better job of estimating need, be patient. Forth: Links will get fixed when an email telling us the problem is recieved, I have fixed many since the move to the new server and also explained why, it helps everyone when you email us if the pages have trouble for you and we appreciate the help in locating them.

Now then, scloink is very busy these days and is moving so he has no time to help right now (hope your move goes well). I have posted at the RVA forum about some help with site, but no one has replied or offered to help till the other day in chat. Once all the particulars are in place I will post about it and introduce the new crew. The RVA site has gone thru many changes lately and it will take some time to get all corrected due to the size of it, please remember we volunteer our extra time for this site so be tolerant.

Thanks, DSL_Tile