Well its finally happened, RVD has closed, a legend of a site for Revolt. I would like to thank Wayne for the many great years he put into maintaining the site and especially for passing it on to us here at RVA.
  Now for how its going on the conversion of RVD to RVA, very slow for now im sorry to report, seem a career change for me had to hit at the same time that I needed the time for fixing the HTML so I am grabbing every spare minute to get more HTML editing done. Once my work settles down (estimating 1 week) I will be able to devote more time to the task and get RVD working, thanks for your patients. I did update the Mirc Stats & RQ3 Stats so check them out.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Just to let you know we are still here, just no new post sent in for some time now. I will be getting the RVD files tomorrow night and will have to fix it all to work from RVA so bear with me till its all working, ok. The new URL will be RVD be sure to bookmark it and visit often.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


We have a couple of tracks to post this time, one from Hilaire9 & a battle track from Shawn64. The Mirc Stats and RQ3 stats have been updated check them out.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Not much has been happening lately, but we do have one track to post. I have been working on a pack of cars that BurnRubr converted for Revolt, they will be finished soon so I will post them later. Lets get them creative juices flowing !

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Its that time again, updates galore for you. Start of with two tracks, well 3 really, one is two tracks in one zip. Also have some cars to post this time and the RQ3 Stats & Mirc Stats have been updated with the latest happenings. Just a note to let you know the RVD files are uploaded, but I am still working on fixing them to work from here at RVA, check this page for the index, it works, will let you know how things go.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


We have a good update this week with three tracks and three cars sent in, check them out. Looks like old man winter is on his way out finally so now we can all thaw out. Till next time, enjoy the sunshine !

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Would like to start off by welcoming back to the Revolt Hood "Skitch2" nice to have you back and he is working hard on some new tracks for us. We have a couple of post this time with another track from Hilaire9 and a car repaint pack from Fabit, check them out.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Have one car to post from Volt General this time. Also I have made a new section for tracks that are done with the Trackmk tool, since they are different than all the others. We shall dub them bent tracks and give them thier own section now, can't wait to see some of the creations that will be made with the trackmk tool.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Have a good update for you this time. We have two tracks and 2 cars to post, also will be updating the MircStats & RQ3stats. I have been working on the RVD section getting it ready for August, you can peak Here. Till next time, keep your airfilters clean.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Yes, we are finally back online, some changes were made and the server works again. Have a couple of cars to post and a track from Hilaire9. The MircStats & RQ3stats have been updated also, be sure to check them out.
Would like ot thank you for the support during our down time.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Still not a lot going on here lately, must be the Winter Blues. Have a great Extreme track by PatS to post and the Mirc Stats & RQ3 Stats have been updated also. Till next time keep your car heater warm.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Not much happening around the Revolt hood lately, but I do have one post. Its a car from a new author PR, also the MircStats and RQ3 Sats have been updated, check them out.

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum


Hilaire9 has done it again, the first post of 2004 with another of his tracks. MircStats was updated and Gel sent in 2 new wallpapers for your desktop, check them out. I have a new stats for some of you called RQ3 stats. Its some logs of our frags palying a great Quake3 mod Reaction, enjoy !

Thanks, DSL_Tile
RVA Forum