There is a tutorial on removing the invisible barriers on lego tracks in which glue was used on. You will find a link to it on the RVGlue tutorial page. Also the Shoppe PRM Pack is out and available on the RVMax section of the site.
We have a new track by a new author that I think everyone should definately get. It is one of the best tracks I have ever raced on. It is called PetroVolt by Varga.


Finally updated the site with 7 new tracks and 7 new cars. I am also working on one last track before I start my new job. Once that happens I will barely have time to update here much less create anything. I hope to have some screens posted here soon.
SuperTard has released the Grandstands from Daytoya as a prm. This would make a great addition to any racing track. Go to the RVMax section of RVA to find this great prm.


I just posted the tutorials that BurnRubr has written for Converting 4x4 Evo cars to ReVolt and uzing ZMod along with BinEd for remapping textures. These are great little tutorials with alot of images so give them time to load. Good job BR and thanks for letting me host them here.

Also you will notice that I have not posted the pic of the week yet. I am going to change it from Pic of the Week to Pic of the Month. I am not getting enough entries for Pic of the Week thus the change. So for the few who have submitted pictures please bare with me, I will be adding them on July 1st. Thanks for your submissions.


Ok first off you will notice a few things when you go to look at the recent files. One is the Read/Post Comments link. This is to allow people who download the file or want to download it to read or post comments about that file.
Also you will notice that a couple of the cars have the car texture as their screenshot. I will start doing this instead of grabbing a screenshot myself as I no longer have the time to do that. For tracks I can use the gfx pic. If you want a different screenshot for your file please include it seperate from the main zip file and at a resolution of 150x150 in jpg format. I will accept animated gif up to 75k for your image if you like.

With all that said lets talk about commenting. I know as a creator that I love to hear comments on my track/car, good or bad, as long as the bad is constructive not destructive. So if you download a file and test it please leave the author some comment as to what you liked or disliked. I was doing this but again I no longer have the time to do so that is why you see the link there now instead of my comments.

Gareth Bain has sent me a patch for his RVO program. You can get it on the utilities page just below the RVOfull program.


Wooohooo Daytoya is finished and boy is it great. Head over to Extreme Tracks Page 5 and there you will find it. I am trying something new with this post. I started a topic in the forum about the track and made a link in the tracks table to that post. If this proves to be a good way to comment then I will do it with all the new posts. One thing though, you have to register with the RVA forum to be able to comment. Any feedback on this will be appreciated.


Ok everyone ST took me on what I said on the message board and wrote up a tutorial for adding replay cameras to your track. It is in the tutorials/makeitgood/camera nodes section of the site. I am also uploading the camera track from RexR and linking it from the camera page for a visual reference.


Well I just thought I should let everyone know what is going on here. I have family in for the week (they have been here since Monday). I have recieved all of your e-mails and files but I have not, as of yet, had the chance to test them. I promise that as soon as I get the chance I will take care of this. It will probably be Sunday evening-Monday morning before I get it completely updated with all the new cars and tracks I have.
I hope you can forgive me.

Thanks for your patience,


I just added a great little utility to the downloads/utilities page. It is the RVOrganizer by Gareth Bain and I will say that it is an excellent program. If you have alot of cars I would recommend getting this little puppy. It makes switching cars from a garage folder to your cars folder a breeze as well as changing between multiple bmp's and paramaters. You can get this file here as well as on the utilities page.

I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I know I sure did. CADster came to visit me and we went to the Pontiac Nationals in my home town. Burning rubber, nitrous powered cars, and some beautiful show cars. CADster took some good pictures and should have them on his site sometime.

On site related news, there are some new pics in the Pic of the Week section and smag sent me a new Oasis update. I would recommend getting the update as it helps in the navigation of the track.


Well guys and gals after talking with several authors of the cars I have made a conscious decision to wait a certain time before releasing any repaints of recently released cars. As of this day I will be waiting at least two weeks to post a repaint of a vehicle.
For those who have submitted repaints please don't get mad at me.
Just put yourselves in the shoes of the creators and converters, I think you will see my point.


Man you guys have been busy lately. It seems I have been updating everyday, but thats fine with me.
For those who have not noticed we have some awesome new 4x4 trucks and SUV's to play on the Dirt Tracks with. There are also some cool new cars and tracks for your pleasure. So go get them and meet us in the chat room for some good talks and races.
I redid the Pic of the Week page so that there are now three columns instead of two. There are some new screens there so go look at them and enjoy.


Ok all, I have redid the left hand menu. It is strictly html now, no java. The right hand remains java for now but I am looking to get rid of it as well. E-mail me with any problems pertaining to the new Left hand menu.


Well I am back from my "VACATION" and still in one piece. I have updated the pages with some great cars and a great track. I also know that there are some great all instance tracks in the works so expect some cool stuff in the near future.

Also I would like you all to look at the Yamaha page by IronBob. This page is for his project Yamaha car. He has asked everyone in the community to do a skin for this car just for fun. It is really easy to repaint so get it and once you are finished e-mail your skin to IronBob as well as the parameters if you change them.
View the page here: Yahama Page
Get the car here: Yamaha Car
It is not an officially released car so do not send your repaint in for posting. Just e-mail it to IronBob and he will gather it all together. his e-mail is rjposey@yahoo.com.


Hey everyone it is finally finished. Hockenheim is now available for download in the extreme tracks section as well as a great little track from Shawn64, Glacier Cliffs. I hope you all enjoy them.

I would also like to wish SuperTard a happy birthday. Friday May 4th will be his 32nd birthday so everyone hound him on the forum about it.

I am leaving tomorrow Friday May 4th and will be gone for five days so don't get worried if your car or track doesn't get posted over the weekend cause Cyb is still unpacking from his move. I will take care of it all when I return on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend,


Hello again. I have finally updated the pages with JimK's Off Road kit. You can get it in the RVMax section of the site on the kits pages.
I have also added two great cars from BurnRubr and DSL_Tile as well as some fun tracks by v0rpAl and The Me and Me.
There is also a new Wallpaper from kv. Go check it out, it is an image of his upcoming track.

For those who have been wondering what I have been doing or wondering how Hockenheim is coming, I have some teaser screens of it that we took the other night while testing it in multiplayer. You can view the images here. I hope to dedicate the next few days to finishing it up.


Hey Guys and Gals. I have finally updated the site. There are 18 cars and 3 tracks as well as an update for Toys in Space. SuperTard also sent me a great wallpaper which is a render from Max of his and DSL'Tile's upcoming track, Daytoya. Thank you all for all the great cars and tracks and lets keep it up.


Hello all and sorry for the delay in the updates. I hope you all had a great holiday weekend. As some of you may know, triple6s has come to pay me a visit. We have been having a great time.
I have some great cars up and ready for your pleasure. There is also a great little lego track that I think everyone should try. It has a great layout. I will be visiting alot over the next few days so don't expect any fast posts for the next week. I will post them, it just may not be immediately. Sorry. :)


Well just a little bulletin to let you know that I have changed the cars and tracks menu. They now are seperate menus which will hopefully allow people who use smaller resolutions to see the last buttons on the dropdown.

NEW SECTION ADDED. There is a new section in the files menu for Wallpapers. There are some great looking images there so go have a look and see what you think.


Ok people I have just moved all the news up till the end of March 2001 to the Old News pages.
I would like to say Great Job to all who have submitted tracks and cars over the last few days. There have been some really nice cars as well as some great tracks. If you havn't tried all the new stuff yet please go download them, you won't be sorry. Thanks to Cyb for taking care of the site while I was out of town and thank you all for keeping him busy, hehe.


Man, people are getting BUSY! I've been updating every day all weekend long it seems like. Who ever said Re-Volt was dead should have their eyes checked! Because we got it going on over here!! We've got a new pic of the week, by SuperTard and quite a few new cars that have poped up over the weekend. A big thanks goes out to everyone who has been keeping scloink & I busy with this site. You know, when I think about RVA I think of that line in "Field of Dreams", how does it go....."Build It and they will submit stuff!" LOL
Seriously guys (and gals) keep up the GREAT work! Cant' wait to see whats in store for the future.


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