Well guys first off I would like to appolagize for the delay in the updates. I had some computer problems which took some time to rectify. Secondly I would like to say that my mail server is acting up on me and I can't get to anything currently, so if you sent something to me that is not posted then I havn't been able to get it. As soon as I talk to my ISP then I will hopefully have it fixed.

EXTRA EXTRA, I will remind you for the last time that the AOL account as of tomorrow the 26th will no longer be active so if you send something there it will be lost forever. So please take note of my current address,

Last but not least please note the new link at the bottom of the page here to the RVA Forum. For now if you have something you want to say about a car, track, or the site then you can post it there. This is in no means an attempt to replace the Racers Point Forum so please don't take it as such. It was just put there for people to leave feedback about the content here. Hope you like it.


Well folks, scloink & I have been having a blast the week I have spent here visiting him. We have come up with some new sections of RVA to help round out the site. Please browse through them and tell us what you think on the corresponding post at RP.
First new addition is a "Pic of the Week" section, Not since RHQ have we had a site that hosted funny and cool screen shots we get from playing this great game. Now with this new section we would like to encourage you to send in your funny screens, your cool screens, & even your weird screens so we can post them here. We look forward to seeing what you all can come up with. All screens can be up any size you choose, just try to keep your image under 100k to help the people with slower connections. Put "Screen Shot" in the subject line of your e-mail.
The Second new addition is a "Game Info" section, this covers all aspects of the default tracks, cars, and weapons. It gives tips and how to unlock everything. This was a direct interpretation of some info that is at RHQ, thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to the tips and secrets that are posted there.


I would like to say, "I'm Sorry!!" I have been visiting scloink this week and we have been having loads of fun playing all sorts of computer games, working with max, & watching anime. This is why RVA hasn't been updated in a while. We've got a great bunch of new cars for you to check out and...
DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....................
RiffRaff's first track ever!!!!!!! It is a gem of a track and will knock you off your feet. Can't wait to see the next one RR. Download and enjoy folks!


Well it seems that alot has happened over the past couple of weeks. We have had some great tracks and cars come rolling in. If you havn't downloaded the latest files yet you really need too. These people worked long and hard on this stuff for our pleasure. The AI node tutorial has its start in the tutorials section now so if you have been waiting for it jump on over there and have a look. Cyb has finished the Instance tutorial as well.
I would really like to thank everyone for your continued support and I would also like to say Keep-em Comming.


Ok it seems that even after the update to Hull Breach 2 there still was a problem with getting an X. We have researched it and have finally came up with a solution. You can either download the Update or the complete file. Just look under the updates section of the Files menu or just click on the Hull Breach 2 Update link to the right. I would recommend downloading this especially if you race online as it could cause the game to crash. I hope this fixes all the problems.


Hello all this is just to let you know that I will be updating the cars and tracks pages once again. Thank you Cyb for the vacation. Be sure to take note of the new submission address. For your convience the AOL address will be kept for another month. After March 26th anything sent to kukri@aol.com will be gone and lost forever. The new address is accepting e-mails now so please direct them to it. I would also like for anyone who has not been to the Contact Webmasters page to do so because there you will find some important info on how to and what to submit as well as who to send them to. Thank you all for your support and submissions.
I would like to take this time to welcome some of the new members to the community. I have seen alot of new faces over at the forum as well as in the chat rooms. I hope to see some work from them in the future. Welcome all and have fun.


As you can see the new design is UP AND RUNNING!! Let me give everyone a few pointers on our new navagation system. The menu on your left is the main menu for accessing most parts of the site, anything with a "+" will load a new menu in its place, anything with a "<" will take you back one menu. Also the buttons at the top will load the main menus for the files and tutorials section of the site. All cars and tracks can be found under the files section of the site. If you see a down arrow then that means that the menu will drop down to reveal more menu choices. The updates bar will scroll with all the new cars and tracks that we have put up, you can click anywhere on the scrolling part of the bar and drag it up and down for easier access to what your looking for, also a single click will stop the scrolling for five seconds to allow you to click on what you want.

These pages have been set up to run in resolutions atleast 800x600, now they look better at 1024x768 and higher and you will also have to have java turned on to see all new menus.
Thats it for the pointers, I hope everyone enjoys the new layout. Scloink and I worked VERY hard on making this easier for all of us (you navagating it, and us updating it).
Also with this new design launching we have a new tutorial up, Scloink has finished the first part of the GLUE tutorial!!! We also have two GREAT new cars by Scloink and SuperTard! Check them out! L8trs

Well everyone, the new design seems to have gone over very good. So we are just cleaning up some pics and ironing things out and you should be seeing the switch-over in the next week or so at the very latist.

EVERYONE, BIG NEWS!!! HUGE, GIANT, MASSIVE!! After a few LONG weeks of coding and playing with different designs we finished the RVA face lift! We still have a few little (very little) bugs to work out, but you should see it up soon. We would like all of your feedback on this new design since this was made for you. You can find a topic at the forum about it where we will also be posting the pic. Check it out, and please tell us what you think! (Please be patient, the image is big)
RVAs New Design (This image isn't here because this is the new design! =))

Ok guys scloink here. Catacombs is finished finally as well as a new extreme track from Skitch. There have been some great additions to the cars and tracks pages over the past few days so go get em and have some fun. As always thank you for your support of this great game.

Guys, I'm just letting you know that I won't be updating the news everytime I update cars or tracks anymore. If you keep an eye on the update part of this page then you should be able to tell whats new and whats not. The only time you will see an update on the news section is when something big happens with the site or some ground breaking news in the RV community.

We've got a few new toys for everyone to play with today. Two new cars by The Me And Me, and a great lego extreme track by Kilo. I would highly recommend downloading them all because they are all great toys! =)

We got a last second update for today, a new lego track called hellfire, check it out.

Scloink is taking a much needed vaction from updating RVA, so I am doing it for the next few days.
We've got two new lego tracks, three new cars (all by Me&Me =)) and a battle level. I also did a update on the Boss302 car and DragonZone track. I have revised the way we're doing the news here, all news will be posted here on the main page, and then after it drifts down it will be moved to the Old News page.

I would also like to remind all of you to make sure you include a screen shot of your car/track. Make sure the sshot is 150x150. If we dont get one or its the wrong size we will not put a sshot up. We are starting to get too many submissions to take the time to do that all the time, so please help us by making sure your screenshot is included.


Man the people around here are getting busy. I have just finished testing and posting another large batch of cars as well as another track. It seems the RV community isn't as dead as some people think it is and I for one am elated. Thanks everyone for the submissions and keep it up. All we need now is an influx of new user tracks.


1/25/01 Finally LaserBeams has finished a track. Everybody say "YAY". Ok enough joking, go get it now because it is fun fun fun. Also I have the files from Volcom sorted. There are two more cool looking boards to add to your skateboard collection.I hope that all the files I have recently posted are ok and downloading correctly. If you have any trouble please e-mail me.


1/24/01 Finally IronBob has completed the Shelby Series 1. It is a great looking car so go get it and have some fun.
I am still sorting a couple of repaints by Volcom so as soon as I get them straight I will post them.


1/23/01 Man I would like to thank all of you who flooded me with your files over the weekend. I have a bunch of new cars for you to download and 2 new tracks. I apolagize to you all for the time it has taken me to get these up but I have been pretty busy this weekend. Thanks for your patience and support.


1/20/01 First I would like to appolagize to Volcom about the mixup with your name. Sorry.
Now for the goods. Silverload has finally finished his track and boy is it a good one. It is his first track and is a very impressive debut. I look forward to any future tracks from him. Good Job Silverload.


1/19/01 Ok guys I have that great track I was refering to in the last news section. If you like lego tracks and a fun race you better hop over there and get it. I also added at the request of GWC his track Short Circuit. It is a great little track that will keep you on your toes. It has been out a while but I just added it. If you don't have it then I would recommend you have a look.
I also have a couple of cars. One is a motorcycle by Gel which looks good but is a bit odd in that it leans the wrong way when you turn, but if any of you know anything about revolt you will know that we have tried for a long time to make a mototcycle lean right and as far as we know it isn't possible yet. I also have a reapint of BubbaZ's Santa Cruz. It makes a great addition to the Sk8][ Battle tag.

As always thank you for your support.

1/17/01 Finally my ISP has let me connect. Sorry for the delay guys but AOL has been giving me fits the last few days. I have a couple of new files to post. I have one track and one car. I have another great track that is waiting for a reply from its author. This track is strictly a lego track with standard textures but let me tell you that it is a great layout. Very fun and it sorta reminds me of when we all played this game for fun instead of looks. Hehe. Hopefully the author will reply soon.


1/14/01 A new car by The Me and Me added. It is a great car and their best handling one to date, although I do have an inside line on a repaint they are doing that handles better than this car. Hehe. Also The Farce Fields page is up thanks to kv for that. The links address has been changed to my e-mail instead of PSK's. So make sure if you have a link that you send it to me.


1/12/01 Four new cars from The Me and Me posted as well as a new repaint from WAR-DOG. Also alot of other stuff has been updated so have a good look around. Some of the tutorials have been updated as well as all the cars and tracks pages. They now have 10 files on them instead of only 5. This will mean a little slower load time but I think it is better than having to go through 4 pages just to browse what will fit on 2.
I would also like to welcome Graham to the RVA team. For those who haven't met him then you need to come to the chat sometime and get to know him. He is a great guy and I think that he will be a great addition to the team.


1/09/01 I have updated Skitch's track with the new pos node file. It will eliminate the X you may sometimes get when you round the U turn after you transport off the Borg ship. If you had downloaded Hull Breach 2 before I placed the *UPDATED* text there then you will need this file. The File is on the same page as Hull Breach 2 and is only 11k. If you downloaded Hull Breach 2 after I posted the *UPDATED* text on it then you are fine and do not need this file.


1/08/01 Its here!!!!. Hull Breach 2 "Resistance is Futile" is finally released. Also kv has sent me his two latest tracks. They are great, especially The Narrows. He has also sent me a car to go alog with the Aqua2 track. WAR-DOG has sent two more repaints as well. Go get these files and have some fun.
In site related news, the tutorial pages have went through some major changes and alot of them are up and running. Not all are complete but they are at least started. Also I am trying a new format on the pages. It is currently only on the lego extreme pages. What is happening is that I now have 10 files per page instead of the meager 5. If I get no ill reports from this I will keep it and change the rest to that format. Also there is a new link on your left. It is the files link and that page has alot of the great programs that we all use to make better tracks and cars.

As always thanks for the support,

1/04/01 Well here we are entering another year. Man how time flies. I hope you all have had a great holiday season and I for one am looking forward to what the new year has to offer. For those who have not been here lately, the tutorials section of the site is moving along nicely. Some parts of the makeitgood tutorials are up and ready for your scrutiny. I hope you all like them because Cyb has worked very hard getting them up and running. Please take a moment to look over them even if you don't need them to see if we have missed anything or have given the wrong info. Also there are some new cars and a new track for your racing pleasure.
I am expecting some new and very good tracks very soon. One of which is the latest from Skitch. Let me tell you that from what I have seen you all will be blown away. Also the latest from kv will be here soon and they too will be great. Yes I said they because there are two that he should have finished soon. So keep checking back for updates.

Again I thank you all for your support.