DATE FORMATTING OPTIONS KEY -- Times -- %a = am or pm %A = AM or PM %g = hour of the day, 12hr format, no leading zeros: 1 to 12 %G = hour of the day, 12hr format: 01 to 12 %h = hour of the day, 24hr format, no leading zeros: 0 to 23 %H = hour of the day, 24hr format: 00 to 23 %t = minutes of the hour: 00 to 59 %T = seconds of the minute: 00 to 59 -- Dates -- %d = day of month, no leading zeros: 1 to 31 %D = day of month, 2 digits: 01 to 31 %s = day of month suffix: st, nd, rd, th %S = day of month suffix, upper case: ST, ND, RD, TH %e = day of week, abreviated: Sun, Mon, etc %E = day of week, long form: Sunday %w = day of week, as a single digit: 1 -sunday to 7 -saturday %z = day of year: 0 to 365 %m = month, as digits without leading zeros: 1 to 12 %M = month, as 2 digits: 01 to 12 %n = month name, abreviated: Jan %N = month name, long form: January %y = year as 2 digits: 01 %Y = year as 4 digits: 2001