
Actions: Rally

General Synopsis

The rally action is one of the major early actions to gain support in the areas in which you deploy it. Depending on the area you use it, you should generally see a 25-40 point (out of 100) increase in your support ratings, although this can rise or lower depending on whether it was successful and the level of the action that the person performing the action has.

Action "Tweak" Details

Slider Bar, available for a few seconds near the start of the action. You can choose Hearts or Minds (or a mixture of both) depending on the area you deploy it.

Action Costs / Rewards (one star level)

Force Cost: 0
Influence Cost: 50
Wealth Cost: 0
XP points available: 50

Action Walkthrough

Depending on who and what you choose as variables to the action, what you see on screen may well differ from my screenshots. This walkthough shows you how the action unfolds - for specific game help and hints about actions see other parts of my site or the manual. The ingame tutorial will also help.

All thumbnails are "clickable".

Here we are in the game world. This shot looks rather fuzzy - I think I just got it at a bad moment - the game world looks a lot cleaner and crisper than this shot suggests.
Let's get the action going.
And here we choose a district to deploy it in.
And a specific... bit of grass to have it on. Because this is such a public action, I've found it doesn't really matter what the secrecy of the area is in this case.
And here is everyone waiting around for me, their glorious leader, to arrive. You'll notice there is no grass... I actually restarted the action in a new area because I lost track of time and missed the one I had previously set!
Placards and everything.
And here I come - you can just see my big head sticking out from the top of the wall.
Bit of a treck. Sometimes, especially in park areas, there is no walking part to this action, but when there is a gate or something you need to go through, it can often take a chunk of your time just watching him move to his podium.
In the gates...
... and round to the waiting... masses. Hey - you got to start somewhere!
"My fans - I have arrived!"
The soapbox is all set up.
A fairly typical power fist movement. Yeah!
And I start chatting. It's very passionate and is interrupted every now and again with cheers and boos (although I've yet to determine whether the number of boos to cheers actually indicates the final success of the action).
Wooooo! Yeah! Come on!
looks like I've gone and decapitated the guy in the orange...
Not too many bald blokes, you'll be glad to see.
A placard is shoved up in front of the camera, but that doesn't matter - the tweaker bar has come up.
I like to think of myself as an intellectual and passionate leader, so I go for minds, although I could have any combination of both.
The camera pans around for the umpteenth time. It's an interesting action to watch once, but to be fair - it's mostly aural and not much for the eye to see..
The rally goes on till dark.
And I finally step down. Phew!
And here is the result - a decent portion of the district population are mine.

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