Messing with 

Panzer General III Scorched Earth 

and Panzer General 3D Assault.

By Lasse Jensen

Date: 23 February 2001


What is this?

SSI and "Panzer" games


The Maps

The Campaign

The Scenarios


Creating Editors

What is this?
First neither PG3DA or PG3SE is easy games to modify.

I will say it right now; the key to make anything for PG3DA or PG3SE is the STR file. This holds everything text, and all things ref. to this file in one way or another. If you do not understand this file, you can forget about making new campaigns or scenario for any of the PG3 games!

Anyway, this doc is not about actual instructions on how to make ex a new scenario. This is about how things work together in those game and what you need to do and remember, to make ex a new scenario.

There is no real tools for any of this - yet! However people who can program might be inspired or helped, by reading this, to actual create those tools needed to make ex new scenario from bottom up. If that happens this doc has not been in vain, and I have not wasted many hours on finding out how things work together in those two games.

This doc is by no way complete, but it covers many things in the game. I might add to it in the future.

Have a happy reading :)

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SSI and Games
Well I have been messing with SSI's Panzer General Games for 4 years now, and I am just simply stunned by SSI complete lake of understand what users want and what a game need to be really successfully.

We are not talking about a 3D shooter here or a real-time game. All SSI "Panzer" games are  turn based wargames. I would not say that turn based game are hanging on by a threat, but we all know its not the most popular ones either. My "undercover" numbers say that SSI has sold in the range 150.000 to 250.000 of each of the latest Panzer games, - PG2, PG3DA and PG3SE.

I could almost guaranty that SSI could have sold twice that many, if the got a bit more focused, rather then does these rush jobs,-  that they indeed have with the last 3 Panzer games.

First it seam to me that SSI is full of good ideas, however the seam to seriously lake of getting them done in practice. All the latest Panzers games are filled with features that are either disabled or sort of bear the looks of a abrupt ending.

Second what does absolute not sip in to SSI is all the secondary tools or utilities that is need to make a game really successfully, especial a turn based game, and even more especial a turn based wargame set in World War II.

A turn based game without re-playability is a dead game! A turn based Wargame game set in World War II,  without the ability to create your own World War II battle is a complete dead game. Somehow this goes right by SSI, even though this IS basic stuff. Creating a 3D shooter without multiplayer options is a dead shooter, - clean an simply - this is what a scenario editor is for a turn based World War II wargame.

Get it in you damm skull!, that what you consider unpaid work (creating customized tools) IS what is going to sell your game even better then without AND keep it on my Hard drive.

To be honest SSI, I have absolute dead feelings about your recently more or less termination, - you did it all to yourself. If you cannot comply to that users wants you get eaten. That is the way it works and you know it. Your two latest releases are virtual edit-less. Not that it is impossible, nothing is impossible (which I am about to describe). However you left it to the users to start from ground zero. Why?

This is a statement by Alan Wasserman Sr. Producer SSI on Usenet the 19April 1999, some 4-5 month before the release of PG3DA..."So while we'd like to make an editor available it's not really possible short of shipping a copy of 3D Studio Max with every copy. Of course the argument for making the specs for the file formats is a realistic "demand", and one that will be discussed"...

Bullshit!! I agree to the maps, as they indeed are made in 3D Studio Max. However an Scenario and campaign editor is a whole other deal. They are simple script/setup files, off course not is a readable format, but still just data files and there is absolute no need for 3D Studio Max for them. Its not like you are hand coding those scenario or campaigns in a hex editor or something is it? - off course not! you have the editors, why not release them, - it can only benefit you!

Also why make you games so hard to modify?. Ok PGI and PGII is fairly easy, however PG3DA is close to impossible without deleting default campaigns or scenarios. PG3SE is somewhat better on the scenarios side, but campaign is even worse the PG3D do to less campaign spots. Maps in both PG3 game are practical impossible at least to make new.

I don't see the reason for shutting the door in the face of the user, when you don't have too. Limitations for the sake of limitation are bad business! I can name you countless places where a simple byte more here and there would give the user some play ground to work with.

Anyway enough of that bull. Now its time to talk about what can be done in the 2 latest Panzer games, - Panzer General III Scorched Earth and Assault.

If you are familiarly with PGII, and think that is difficult to modify, you have come to a shut door in the Panzer 3 game. They are much more difficult to modify. Not impossible but difficult and some things can practical not be done unless someone uses a fair good amount of time to create the initial tool to do it.

Here I describe the basic of both PG3 games and how things work together. Now it up to some one to pickup on it:)

I will say it again; the key to make anything for PG3DA or PG3SE is the STR file. This holds everything text, and all things ref. to this file in one way or another.

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Here is a bit of information on the format used in PG3DA and PG3SE. Well the difficult format, cause there is other format used, but they are rather common.

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  • STR (String file)

The *.STR file is actual the key to most editing of PG3DA and PG3SE. This file found in the ..Language/Current directory contains ALL text used anywhere by the game, like interface, help, scenario intro, campaign intro, unit names etc..

The STR file is original compiled of 8 *.INI file, which are not found in any of the Retail versions anymore. The 8 *.INI files are; PNTEXT.INI, PMTEXT.INI, CBTEXT.INI, CCTEXT.INI, JHTEXT.INI, MHTEXT.INI, RBTEXT.INI and OTHERTEXT.INI.

The good news is that the game itself has  the ability to compile those 8 INI file to a STR file. Both PG3DA and PG3SE has this ability. PG3DA will only compile those 8 INI file if no STR file is already present. If it is there PG3DA does not compile the INI file again. PG3SE complies it every time, regardless of the STR file being present or not.

In order to get the original 8 INI file you have to de-compile the STR file. It so happens that I have already made such an utility, which can be found here. This Util can de-compile the STR file to its original 8 INI. The 8 INI you get out of this, you simply put in the ..Language/Current directory and the game will re-compile them to a new STR file, when you start it. Remember PG3DA does NOT re-compile if a STR file is already present. 

For a STR spec look here.

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  • NIF (NetImmerse file Format)

This is the native file format of the 3D engine used by SSI for PG3DA and PG3SE. The engine is the NetImmerse 3D engine, which is made by Numerical Design Ltd.

All *.NIF file for PG3DA and SE, that means all 3D object such as Maps, units, Shadows etc.. is made in 3D Studio Max then converted to NIF format. The *.NIF is actual a somewhat "secret" format, its somewhat impossible to find specifications on it, unless you go a buy the complete 3D engine. All NIF file of PG3DA and PG3SE is version 2.3 of the NetImmerse File Format

Making new maps or units is not going be a slam dunk that is for sure. As I understand it the companies that license or buy this engine does not have the right to release its code.

Well you can download a free utility at Numerical Design Ltd, called MAXI Immerse that can actual convert 3D studio Max format to *.NIF. I don't know if *.NIF is a lose-less format, meaning if its actual possible to convert back to 3D Studio Max format. Anyhow there is not such an utility available for free anywhere, - unless you buy the NetImmerse engine. So for now its not even possible to actual view any of the NIF files found in the Panzer3 games, not to speaks of making you own.

The fans of another game,- using this 3D engine - Star Trek: Bridge Commander, is having the same problem as fans of PG3.  However since the Star Trek fans have long been dealing with mystical graphic/3D format and managed to solve them, I am putting my hopes in them to actual breakdown the NIF format and making utilities to make new NIF file. One thing is for sure I am not going to attempt it, my love for PG3 is not that great!

Even if one managed to convert back to 3D Studio Max, the work might not be done by then. Apparently even though all NIF files for PG3DA and PG3SE is version 2.3, they are not compatible. So even if you have the NIF files as original 3D Studio Max file, you might need to know that format also and the different setting from PG3DA and PG3SE.

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  • AMP (Map files)

The AMP file are data holders for the maps. The are the equal of *.MAP file in PG2. The name AMP is probably just a reverse of MAP.

It holds what each hex is on the linked map, like city, mountain, river etc. The format should be fairly simply to figure out. It actual start out as PG2 map file, with the link number as the first byte, followed by the (X,Y) size of the map. It should not be to difficult to figure out the rest, but I have not given it a shot.

The link number is a number that links a [MAP:xx] entry in the STR file. This [MAP:xx] entry contains the names of places on the map.

The AMP file is linked to the actual image (the NIF files) by its name. All AMP file has to end on ..ArtMap.AMP, where the letter in front is the name of the map. The corresponding NIF file (the image) has the same name but with a ..Mesh.NIF ending. So ex LassArtMap.AMP is linked to LasseMesh.NIF, and so on.

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  • BMZ (Zlib compressed Bit Map Picture)

BMZ in it self does not actual specify a Zlib compressed BMP image. It only means its a compressed BMP image. It could be another form of compression, like LZW. Anyway SSI has used the Zlib compression. Zlib is not specified an image compression, but rather a general method of compression.

 Zlib is loss less data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. The zlib data format is itself portable across platforms. Zlib was written by Jean-loup Gailly (compression) and Mark Adler (decompression). Jean-loup is also the primary author/maintainer of gzip; Mark is also the author of gzip's and UNZIP´s main decompression routines and was the original author of Zip. Not surprisingly, the compression algorithm used in Zlib is essentially the same as that in gzip and Zip, namely, the `deflate' method that originated in PKWARE's PKZIP 2.x.

The most current version of the Zlib compression is v1.1.3, and it so happens that this is the version used by SSI also. Here is the direct link to the Zlib source code, - which is free, in C++. So if you are handy C++ programmer and a bit of understanding of Images you can create you own BMP to BMZ compressor.

Zlib main page can be found here.

In fact the code Inflate.c and deflate.c found in the Zlib source is directly used in the BMZmaker by SSI found in the PG3DA demo. Here is the rip of BMZmaker from the PG3DA demo. This can read all BMZ file found in PG3DA and PG3SE.

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  • CMP (Camapigns)

I cant say I have figured out the Campaign format, cause I have not tried, but it should be fairly simple. A collection of links to the scenarios used, along with a 16 byte header, - like the scenarios have, - for intro, mission text etc..

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  • SCN (SSI Scenarios)

The scenarios is slightly different from PG3DA and PG3SE. In SE the scenarios is always 171.401 Byte, in DA always 176.168 Byte big. Even though the format is almost the same, they are not compatible with each other.

Panzer General 3 Scorched Earth - Scenarios:

In SE the scenarios have a somewhat crypto name, like "SPS002M07_801Scen.scn". This is the way SSI names them all. Well that is not so crypto after all. This means Single Player Scenario 2, Map 21, Scenario 801

There is 7 different letter start for the scenarios. SPS, MPS, TUT, GMJ, GMN, RMJ, RMN. One of these are ALWAYS needed, or SE will not recognize the scenario. You can use any naming as long as the name is proceeded by one of the string shown above. So ex SPS.scn is as good as SPS001scen.scn. PG3SE will recognize them both. 

The meaning of the names.

SPS = Single Player Scenario
MPS = Multi Player Scenario
TUT = TUTorial Scenario
GMJ = German Campaign Scenario
GMN = German Campaign Scenario
RMJ = Russian Campaign Scenario
RMN = Russian Campaign Scenario

Well there is much more! Each scenario has it own ID number inside the scenario,-  5 times to be exact. Its normally the same number but serves 5 different purposes. I have not broken down the complete scenario SPEC, but the 16 first byte of the *.SCN file is the 4 ID numbers for what text should be displayed. Each is the same format as the 4 first byte of the STR spec. Then followers a 21 byte Null terminated String, which holds the name of the map used, without the ..Mesh.NIF ending. Then a 2 byte Word with the scenario ID number. 

These ID numbers ref to what text are to be used for the scenario. Like the name of it, scenario intro, campaign text, mission text etc. This text is found in the STR file.

Unlike PG3DA where each scenario has its own [Sceanrio:xx] entry in the original INI file the STR file is made up of,-  all scenario in PG3SE has there own ID number under only 4 different [Scenario:xx] entry. Actual these can be anything as the 4 ID numbers mentions above is what decides from where it all comes.

[Scenario:01] hold the names of the scenario. [Scenario:02] hold the scenario intro text for that scenario. [Scenario:03] hold the Campaign intro text for that scenario and finally [Scenario:04] the mission text for that scenario. The ID number you find in the SCN file matches a ID:xx number under each [Scenario:xx]. This is how SSI has made it but as said its the 4 ID numbers that decides from where it all comes. And you can easy changes to what you want.

Panzer General 3D Assault - Scenarios:

Unlike PG3SE which does not have this limited, PG3DA is limited to a maximum of 255 scenario, do to the way the each scenario is ref. to the STR file. Well its not really true, cause you can includes as many scenario text as you want under each scenario number, and then just use them for other scenarios

In DA the scenarios have a somewhat crypto name, like "SPS41LW01_223Scen.scn". This is the way SSI names them all. Well that is not so crypto after all. This means Single Player Scenario, year 41, London-Windsor map (which in the final version has been shorten to only Windsor), and lastly Scenario 223.

There is 11 different letter start for the scenarios. SPS, MP, TUT, GUD, KES, LEC, MNT, OCN, PCH, PTN, ROM. One of these are ALWAYS needed, or DA will not recognize the scenario. Unlike SE the scenario in DA also has to end on ..scen.scn.  So ex SPS.scn is NO good and DA will NOT recognize it. I has to be minimum SPSscen.scn. It could also be KES001scen.scn or something.

The meaning of the names.

SPS = Single Player Scenario
MP = Multi Player Scenario
TUT = TUTorial Scenario
GUD = GUDerian Campaign Scenario
KES = KESselring Campaign Scenario
LEC = LEClerc Campaign Scenario
MNT = MoNTgomery Campaign Scenario
OCN = O'CoNnor Campaign Scenario
PCH = PatCH Campaign Scenario
PTN = PaTtoN Campaign Scenario
ROM = ROMmel Campaign Scenario

Like in SE each scenario has it own ID number value also. Also 5 of them. I have not broken down the complete scenario SPEC, but the 16 first byte of the *.SCN file is the 4 ID numbers for what text should be displayed. Each is the same format as the 4 first byte of the STR spec. Then followers a 21 byte Null terminated String, which holds the name of the map used, without the ..Mesh.NIF ending. Then a 2 byte Word with the scenario ID number. 

These ID numbers ref to what text are to be used for the scenario. Like the name of it, scenario intro, campaign text, mission text etc. This text is found in the STR file.

Unlike PG3SE where all scenario text is collected under four (1-4) [Sceanrio:xx] entries in the original INI file the STR file is made up of,-  all scenario in PG3DA has there own [Scenario:xx] entry, where xx is the link number. Again like in SE these can be anything as the 4 ID numbers mentions above is what decides from where it all comes.

Under each [Scenario:xx] has four IDxx: under it (1-4), where ID01: holds the name of the scenario. ID02: hold the scenario intro text for the scenario. ID03: hold the Campaign intro text for that scenario and finally ID04: the mission text for that scenario. 

The ID number you find in the SCN file matches [Scenario:xx] number. This is how SSI has made it but as said its the 4 ID numbers that decides from where it all comes. And you can easy changes to what you want.

There is released 6 new scenario from SSI for PG3DA. However they are not really new, cause the text for them is already in the retail version. Just a nice trick :) According to some info I have gotten, numbers from 244-249 are reserved for PSX (Play Station) scenarios

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  • BGS (Battle Generator - Generated Scenarios)

This is for Scorched Earth only. PG3DA does not have the ability to make those scenario or read them.

Well the BGS scenario are infect the totally same as the SSI made SCN scenarios with one exception. *.BGS scenario will not used this name in the select list, only when selected even though the correct link number is in place. *.SCN files uses it in both places. *.BGS scenario uses its filename in the select list of scenarios.

Also *.BGS scenario can have any name you want. They do not have to start with some specified letters first.

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  • CB (Equipment Sound and 3D graphic)

This 1/3 of the PG3DA and PG3SE equipment file. This hold all the sound file names and 3D Graphic file name used by a piece of equipment.

CB stand for Carl Bevil, who was the 3D programmer for Assault. He is the Lead Programmer for Scorched Earth.

The CB file seams to be exactly the same format in PG3DA and PG3SE.

There is four sound and six 3D graphic file linked to every units. The four sound are; Fire, Hit, Move and Die. And if you are wondering, there is a hit sound for every unit in PG3DA also, like in PG3SE!, - the actual sound file is just not in the game. Guess SSI took it out last minute. 

The six 3D graphic file linked are; a high and low resolution view of the equipment. A unknown link, - its the same for every units so its probably not used. A fire graphic, a Die graphic and not move but additional graphic when a unit moves. That would be like the dust from the tracks when a tank moves.

The sounds are the WAV file found in the Sound directory. All equipment wav sounds in PG3DA and SE is 16bit, 22050bps, mono.

The 3D graphic is the NIF files found in the RendrArt directory

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  • PM (Equipment Data)

The PM file, is the "true" equipment file. This is the one holding all the hardcore data, like HA, AD,SA etc..

PM stand for Paul Murray, who was the AI Programmer for Assault and again for Scorched Earth.

Again it seams to be exactly the same format in PG3DA and PG3SE. Off course that is good news as one standard Efile can be created for both games.

Here is a old PM spec I broke down a while ago. Note this is not up to speed on SE, and not entirely correct! for DA either

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  • PN (Equipment 2D Graphic)

PN holds the 2D graphic for a units found in various places in the game. There are 4 images link to every equipment. 

PN stand for Paul Naylor, who was the Lead Programmer for Assault. He is not on the Scorched Earth team.

First the sheet image, they image you see when you pull a sheet on a unit. Then the bar icon, the bar at the bottom of the screen. Then the image of the equipment in the HQ, when you select AT and several AT comes up.

Finally there is a bullet assigned for every unit. This is not used in either PG3DA or PG3SE, as the bullet graphic is not in either game.

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  • KIT (Battle Generator equipment tables))

The KIT files are only found in PG3SE, they are not used in DA.

They are used by the Battle Generator, to figure out which equipment it should use for the design of the scenario. They are just pre-defined table of what equipment are available to what nation at what time. This is instead of having to trace though the equipment file for every nation every time a scenario is created.

The KIT file are named like, GER43L.kit, where GER is Germany, 43 is 1943 and L is Late,- as in later 1943. An E would mean Early. Year and Late/Early are selectable in the Battle Generator.

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The maps
As in Panzer General II, each map has a number that link stuff to it.

First the graphic part of the map, the image. Well image is not really the right term in this case, as it is a fully 3D object. However I will ref. to it as a image. This image is made in 3DStudio Max, and then converted to a NIF file (short for NetImmerse file Format) version 2.3. Both Assault and Scorched Earth maps are version 2.3

The map images are found in the "RendrArt" directory, alongside all the other NIF files, which is for all kind of other stuff. The map images are the large NIF files found, from 3-5Mb each in size.

Each image (NIF file) has a file name (obliviously), but it has to end on **MESH.NIF,- like LasseMESH.NIF or WarMESH.NIF

Now the name, which is exclude the MESH.NIF correspond to the same name of a *.AMP file, found in the "GameData" directory. The *.AMP files also have a specified ending to there name, which is **ARTMAP.AMP

So Ex. LasseMESH.NIF is linked to LasseARTMAP.AMP and so on.

Like most SSI style, they managed to exclude them self of 35 maps from Assault in SE, because they used the same link number as in SE. If SSI had just shown a tiny bit of good thinking, they would off course have started the SE map from 35 on, and not with 0 as they do now.

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This is NOT going to be easy. At the time being it cannot be done!

First we need someone to breakdown the NIF format, - create a tools for converting the NIF file back to original 3D Studio Max, - then you need to be good at 3D studio Max to actual create them.

SSI can have put in 100 of small things that need to be there in 3D Studio Max, before it can be used as a map in PG3. Things we have no knowledge about. So it can be a LONG time (If ever!) before you will see new maps for PG3.

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Unfortunely the Assault maps are not compatible with SE :(, - despite that they are both v2.3 NIF files.

But I cant imagine there is much difference. IF the NIF format ever get broken down, the Assault maps should be possible to correct so that they can be used with SE.

The reason they cannot be used, is probably do to some on-map features in SE that are not found in Assault maps.

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The Campaign
Since I have not tried to break down the campaign format of either Assault or SE, I really don't know if the campaign format is the same in both games. A quick look, it does not seam so, but I don't know.

Anyway the campaigns are the .CMP file found in the "GAMEDATA" directory of both games.

In DA there is 8 campaigns, selectable via the "New Campaign" tab in the game.

In SE there is 5 campaigns, 4 selectable via the "New Campaign" tab. Unlike DA where the "Tutorial" tab plays a single scenario, in SE it actually plays a campaign. That is the fifth campaign in SE.

In either of the games its possible to add new campaigns without replacing the original ones. There is simply no interface to support or display them. I think SSI have limited themselves severely by this. This could have been do much better.

Ok for every campaign there is a picture by which you select it (except the Tutorial campaign in SE). These pictures are "hardcode" on to a large image, called "s05_background_Int.bmz", which has the same name in both games. When you click on one of the images to select the campaign, another lighter picture is displayed. These are names by the Generals name, like "s05_guderian_Int.bmz", or "s05_patton_Int.bmz" etc..

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New campaigns should be possible to do. In order to make a new campaign you will have to replace a original one. This is fairly simple done, however it would be a good idea also to replace the image for the General also, both the large and the smaller one. Ok if it is a campaign with the same General there would be no need for that. One could also use a image of something else that represent the campaign better then a picture of a General.

However in SE I think the best way to apply usermade campaigns is via the "Tutorial" tab. That preserves the original campaigns. Ok granted only one can be applied at one time, but then again how many campaigns can you play at one time!

That gets you by all the image changing, if you don't know how to handle that. Second it gives you the option of actual displaying the name of you campaign. You can simply change the name "Tutorial" to say "African Campaign" or something like that. This is done in the STR file.

Anyway how to actual build a campaign, depends on a scenario editor. That is the primary tool we need. As said I have not broken down the actual campaign format, but that is secondary, if there is not Scenario editor to build the scenarios in the campaign.

One can imagine using the stock of Battle generated scenarios. It might work, but that will never be good.

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Sorry, at the moment this is totally out of the question. The DA scenarios and Map format cannot be used with SE. And as long at there is not a tools to convert them to SE standard, you can forget about the campaigns.

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The Scenarios
The Scenarios for both Assault and SE is found in the "GAMEDATA" directory.

The scenarios is slightly different from PG3DA and PG3SE. In SE the scenarios is always 171.401 Byte, in DA always 176.168 Byte big. Even though the format is almost the same, they are not compatible with each other.

Off course the maps are not compatible, so you could not use them even if they where compatible. The Assault scenarios contain some values that the SE engine simply do not want to swallow.

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Well some good news for a change. There is a real possibility that this is going to happened. SSI not releasing there own Scenario editor is simply dumb. Of course they have an editor.

Anyway in SE we are already at a head start, as there is a battle generator that can create scenarios.

Even now it is possible to make your own. If you understand a bit of Hex editing, you can change away in the stock scenario, and create whole new ones.

Before an actual scenario editor is made (of some kind), make mew historical scenarios is going to be tough, however if you just want to make scenario, its already possible in both SE and Assault.

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Well also here the stuff from Assault are not compatible with the SE stuff. Even the scenario format is very close.

I imagine that ones I or someone else breakdown the complete Scenario Spec for both Assault and SE, it should be know problem using them with SE. However they can still not be used as the maps the scenarios need can not be use in SE :(

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This is just some of the other things in the game.

Well there is plenty of other graphic in this game. Most of it is in the BMZ format. They are all found in the "2Dart" directory. With the BMZmaker from the PG3DA demo, you can just walk though an look at it and change it if you want.

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The Battle Generator is found in Scorched Earth only. Assault does not support user made scenarios (as fare as I know). The BG (short for Battle Generator) creates *.BGS file (Battle Generator Scenarios). As explained under the BGS format, they are completely the same as normally scenarios, - the *.SCN files.

The BG its self used lots of the BMZ files for its interface, like everything else does in the game. But it only uses one external file. That is the *.KIT files found in the "GameData" directory. As said this is predefined equipment tables (this is NOT the equipment file), that it uses to find what equipment to generate for the scenario.

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Creating Editors
This is just a general discussion of how Editor can be made for PG3.

It does not mean that its the only way, but after some thinking I found its the best way. Prepare your self Editor makers :), what every editor you want to make, the control of the STR file is Alfa omega. Off course if you want to use the predefined text for campaign , maps and Scenarios already in the STR file, you don't need to control it. However in the length the default text is hardly enough.

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I would actual like to skip this. With no real information on how NIF file works, its pretty hard imagine how a Map editor should look. However I am pretty sure it will require quite an amount of work to make one.

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Well the campaign editor is one of the smallest things. It all depends on you having a scenarios editor or not. Off course the campaign editor does not care if you have the scenarios editor or not. But creating campaigns out of stock SSI scenario is not much fun.

I imagine a campaign editor of a simple list of spaces for new scenario with tab to select those scenarios files. With or without a STR modifier. In any case you can use the approach as with a scenarios editor, one can always just de-compile the STR file and let the user change his text manually.

Off course there might be more tings to select in a campaign, but I need to break down the Campaign format first.

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The scenario editor is the key to everything. This is the number one tools needed for both PG3 games. There is some obvious problems to start with. We don't have the scenario format for neither game, we don't have anything that can read the NIF files and we don't have a real STR modifier.

OK the scenario format is the smallest problem, but off course the most important. It should be a snap to break it down, might take some weeks but should not be that hard.

With a scenario format in the hands, the next thing would be a STR modifier. That should also not be too hard. In any case if it should turn out to be, one can always just de-compile the STR file and let the user change his text manually.

Creating a real scenario editor, like ex the PGII one, can turn out to be more difficult. Without a way to read and view the NIF files, you cannot view the actual map or icons.

A better way would be to cut out all the 3D crape. Simply use a 2D image of the map and 2D icons as the units also. A very good solution springs to mind. Why not use all the very fin icons that are already available for PGII?

There is plenty of tools to work with SHP icons rather then trying to create new tools for the NIF icons.

Picture this. You have the PGII editor. You take a snapshot of the PG3 3D map to use as the background image in the editor. Off course you have to supply like 50 images of maps with you editor. But as said new maps are not likely to comes in the future. If they do and the NIF format get broken it should not be to hard to change your program to read from a NIF file rather then the image.

You use PG2 SHP icons to place on the map, rather then the original NIF icons. Off course you have to walk though the entire Efile for both PG3 game, to find the corresponding icons graphic, and create a table for that. Anyway you compile all the needed SHP icons into a PG2 *.DAT file and just ship it along with you program/editor.

Off course it can get into serious trouble when (and if) new Efile emerge for PG3, cause then you icons translating table would not be enough. And then again it would!

Cause you don't need to know the NIF format to create new Efiles for PG3, one can just use the same graphic for new units. Sort of the way we did in the start with PGII. One thing you can be sure of, if new icons are used in a Efile, then the NIF format is broken and you can change you whole editor to use the NIF format. If the NIF format is not broken, then new units in new Efiles, will simply use the same graphic as the original units. And you translation table already covers that. So you cant actual lose this way

That is the way I picture an editor for PG3. I may make it sound easy and such, but it is not. Lots of code has to be written to do this.

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By Lasse Jensen