By Lasse Jensen

Last updated 19 December 2000

Installing the SSI patch v1.02

There have been many people writing me, and various forums, about installing the v1.02 patch for Panzer General II. Some find it easy some simply cant get it to work, no matter how they do it.

Since the DATUP program I make for equipment files, only works with v1.02, not all can used it since they simply cannot get there version upgraded to v1.02.

Anyway this is written on a step basic. If you follower it EXACTLY even you should be able to upgrade your Panzer General II. For the more experienced computer gigs there is a also some goodies here. Even though it is not required to understand why things do as they do, I also explain that - why the patch does as it does. 

The Patch

Sounds like a movie, doesn't it ? - well it is not.

The SSI patch is made with a software program called "RTPATCH", as is the DATUP I make for equipment file. It is made by Pocket Soft Inc, and it a byte/ bit level patching program. Many companies used this piece of software to patch their programs/games. 

RTPATCH compares old versions and new versions of files to create a single file containing only the minimum number of bytes necessary to convert the previous software version into the current version. This file is created at the byte level of each file using a patent-pending algorithm. If an executable has only been slightly modified to correct a bug, for example, then only the bytes necessary to convert the old executable to the new executable will be incorporated into the patch file. No bytes are wasted by distributing information that is already contained in the old software version.

This means that the SSI patch does not hold new file to incorporate into the game, it only holds the difference between the old and new version of the file. This also means you have to have the exact correct old file(s), or the patch will not upgraded it to a new version. I don't mean pretty much the same old files, I mean you have to have the EXACT same old file on bit level - not one bit must be different, or the patch will NOT work.

Well, the most common fault by the RTPATCH program is; "Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match".

This is a error that happens when you have the old file, but the contents does not match the original old SSI file. Since, as I said the RTPATCH program does not contain any new files only the difference, it has to have the exact same old file to do the upgrade. I will get back to this a little later.

Finding your Language/Version

There are 4 different languages for Panzer General II, and there by 4 different languages patches also.

Panzer General II (UK)

Panzer General II (US)

Operation Panzer (French)

Panzer General IIID (German)

Even though they are named different they are all the same game. To upgrade you have to know your language. It should be no problem demanding if you have a German or French, simply look at the language used or the name of the game. Demanding if you have the US or UK version can be more problematic.

To say it ones and for all - the UK patch does NOT work with the US version and visa versa.

The simplest way to find if you have the UK or US version, is to start the game, go into “Multiplayer” and see if the connection tab “ClubSSI” is grayed out. If it is grayed out and not selectable you have the UK version. If its not grayed out and can be selected you have the US version. The "ClubSSI" connection tab works ONLY in the US version.

It should be noted that there is a wide range of different cracked US version out there in Warez land. Even though it has never been necessary to actual crack or correct anything in the Panzer2.exe file, to make it work without the CD, never then less some Warez groups have made changes to the Panzer2.exe file. Such Warez download, that have been changed, can NEVER be upgraded to v1.02, unless you can get hold of an original SSI panzer2.exe file.

If you are the owner of the Japanese v1.00 you can stop reading now. There is no working patch for that version, so you cannot upgrade it.

Your version is displayed in the upper left corner on the main screen when you start Panzer General II. DO NOT be fooled by this number if you have already been trying to install a patch for Panzer General II, it is not necessary correct. To be absolute sure which version you have, uninstall or manual delete the old version and install a new fresh version - then read the version number in the upper left corner.

Off course if it already now displays v1.02, you don't need to read any further, as you already have the latest game patch. You are then an owner of the v1.02 CD.

A little note on the side. The US version will display only "1.02" where the UK version will display "Version 1.02"

If your version does not display a version number in the upper left, you have a pre-code version. A pre-code version is a Retail demo. Its very close to the final product, but not completely. A pre-code version CANNOT be upgraded.


Different Patches
As said there are 4 different language patches for Panzer General II, as there is different patches.

Now that you know what version and language of the game you have, it time to get the correct patch for you version.

Some people think there patch does not work, because it could not upgrade there version correctly. It is not so. Quite possible you have a wrong language patch. There is NOT different patch version of version 1.02 (nor v1.01). There is but ONE!! There have been silent talk of a v1.03 patch. It is NOT in existent, at least not official.

Even though this doc is about v1.02, I will list ALL patches for Panzer General II - for all versions.

There is 7 official SSI patches. They are;

v1.01 US SIZE : 1.769.476 byte
v1.01 UK SIZE : 1.385.023 byte
v1.01 German SIZE : 1.416.128 byte
v1.02 US SIZE : 1.974.422 byte
v1.02 UK SIZE : 1.587.872 byte
v1.02 German SIZE : 1.487.993 byte
v1.02 French SIZE : 358.788 byte

There is no v1.01 French patch, as the French retail release was somewhat later then the others. So the French retail CD is already a v1.01.

There is also an sort of unofficial Mplayer patch. This currently a modified US v1.02 patch. It does not exist in any other version. You can only get - in fact you have to get it - if you logon to Mplayer and want to play a game.

This Mplayer patch IS NOT the same patch as the official SSI v1.02 US patch! However this patch will upgrade ANY language or version to US v1.02, regardless if you have the correct files or not. It does not work on a byte level, but simply adds the correct files to your game. This may sound good and all. But if you have any other version then the US it will more or less messes up your game. Other versions then the US CANNOT play on Mplayer. 

DO NOT used this version to play against other via internet, LAN or PBEM. If you want to play on Mplayer, I STRONGLY recommend having 2 versions installed on your hard disk, a Mplayer version and a normal v1.02 installation.

It can be difficult finding the correct patch for your version, and it has even become more difficult after SSI recently has ended there existents. This is do to there FTP server stuff has been moved around, thereby all the links on does not work anymore. Second somehow the UK v1.02 patch has been deleted (as the only one) on the FTP server as has some of the v1.01 patches (not all).

Here is direct link to correct and workable patches - and THEY DO WORK!!!!!!!!

Patch v1.01 United States
Patch v1.01 United Kingdom
Patch v1.01 German
Patch v1.02 United States
Patch v1.02 United Kingdom
Patch v1.02 German
Patch v1.02 French

Here is a traps not to fall into. On the official SSI Panzer General II website only the US v1.02 patch can be found. So if you are the owner of any other language then the US version, this patch does NOT work for you.


How to upgrade
You now got the patch you need (hopefully), and its time to apply it.

First some really  imported information. As I was trying to explain before this patch works on a byte level. Its not necessary to understand what this is, however it is of utmost importers that you understand the following. This is the reason for 90% of all unsuccessfully upgrades.

ANY time you have an unsuccessful upgrade try,  you need to delete your Panzer General II file - all of them and install the game again, before your can try again. There is no easy way around, there is no short cut, there is nothing - you NEED a new fresh clean installation before you upgrade - or it WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!

As this is a byte level upgrade program, you NEED to have bit correct the original SSI file. Or you WILL get the infamous "Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match" messaged.

So if you have ANYTHING then the original SSI installation, that be failed previous patch upgrades, new equipment file, upgrade Panzer2.dat file (graphic), or anything NOT original SSI files - you cannot upgrade!!

Anyway before you start you installation, delete your Panzer General II directory COMPLETELY, and install a new fresh version. Ones again I will remind you that if your patch upgrade does not succeed the first time, you need to do this again - delete the previous version and install a new fresh version. You have to do this by every single try you make. I know it sucks, but that is the way it is.

The patch it self is pretty much self explaining. It will ask you to locate your Panzer2.exe file. Where your Panzer General II Installation is, depends on where you installed it. But a good guess is something like C:\PANZER2.


I still cant get it to work -HELP!!!
Well if you have follower the information provided you should be able to get it to work.

However I have seen one version that cannot be upgraded without errors. I on purpose write this at the end, so you wont think that you have this version. It applies to this version ONLY - and most of you will NOT have this version!

This is the Panzer General II version from the "Ultimate World War II Wargame Collection" by SSI. It is a 4CD pack with 3 other SSI games. This Panzer General II is already v1.01, but with a non-standard readme.txt file. This courses the v1.02 patch not to install error free (terminate it) do to a wrong readme file. However since this file is the very last to be upgraded by the patch, it does not really mean anything. 

But you can obtain the right readme file at Builders Paradise if you want the patch to perform correct.

When you download the readme.txt, which exist in a UK and US version, you ones again need a new fresh installation (as I told you many times before). You then replace the installed readme.txt with the downloaded one and the patch upgrade should work correct.

Quite possible there also exist a French and German version of the "Ultimate World War II Wargame Collection" by SSI, and thereby those should also cause an error, but I don't have the correct readme.txt files.

A final note. It is possible to do a "step" upgrade to v1.02, meaning first install v.1.01 then v1.02. It can be done and will work, but its not recommended. It will not add anything else to the game.


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