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GCN Luigi's Ciruit Glitch
at the start line, turn around, you see a little ramp you can go off of, use a mushroom when you hit the ramp, press are as soon as you go off, at the right angle, hight and speed, you should go through the invisble wall and lakitu will bring you in the middle of the track

Blue Shell Glitch 1
This glitch is hard, but it happend to me alot of times, if someone behind you hits you with a red shell right before you get hit with a blue shell you will dodge the blue shell and only get hit with the red on

Blue Shell Gltich 2
To do this glitch you need a bomb-omb, when a blue shell comes for you, about 2 or 3 seconds before you get hit, throw the bomb-omb foward, when you pass the bomb-omb it will blow up by the bomb-omb

Blue Shell Glitch 3
When you are about to get hit by a blue shell, power slide quickly, then skid the oppisite way, you will dodge the blue shell

Blue Shell Glitch 4
You need a mushroom for this, when you are about to get hit by the blue shell skid in a direction, then use the mushroom, you will have missed the blue shell