RCHS Class Reunion -- Games -- Dodgeball

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Super Dodgeball
The beginning of a love affair... sort of.

Story - Controls - Review - Images - Downloads

The five greatest rookie dodgeballers in America, John, Mike, Randy, Bill, and Steve, are assembled by the heroic Sam to take on the world and lead the USA to glory in a no-holds-barred dogeball tournament. The communists won't be their worst enemy, though... it will be themselves. I just sort of made that up.

The control pad is used for moving the active player. You can double-tap right or left to run.
B Button w/ Ball: Throw. This is the very essence of dodgeball, and you have many ways to perform the throw. Your shot can tear through the air if you throw after running the whole length of the court or at the height of a jump. You can also make physics-defying Super Shots by running a short distance and holding B, or at the height of a running jump. You also have limited control over the flight of the ball by pressing up and down while it's in the air.
B Button w/o Ball: Duck. Despite the name "dodgeball," dodging the ball isn't really that effective. Catch it instead, you pansy.
A Button w/ Ball: Pass. You'll toss the ball to whichever teammate is making silly motions with his hands.
A Button w/o Ball: Catch. Good timing is required here.
A+B Button: Jump.

In-Depth Review
This is a game I've rented more than enough times to pay for the cost of the thing. In an alternate universe where this game never existed, you probably wouldn't even be looking at this page right now. You'd probably be too busy toiling in the copper mines of New Japan, formerly known as America. IF you'd even been born.
Bizarre imagery aside, this is a game that has everything. Good graphics (the backgrounds are great, the characters have personality), great music, slick controls, and patriotism. You've got three modes: World Cup Play, for one player, where you take on the whole world with Team USA. Versus play, for two players, is about the most fun you'll be able to get out of an unmodified Nintendo. Bean Ball, for one or two players, is just kind of there. No court, no rules, just every member of team USA in a schoolyard trying to kill each other.
All the different teams have their own unique style and they'll all cater to different players. Their dodgeball courts are mostly different in aesthetic ways, but the Iceland court is slippery and the Kenya court's loose dirt makes it very hard to run. As in all sports games from the 80s, the USSR is a camp of grotesquely strong uber-athletes. But that's not the end...
It takes a while to master all the nuances of the gameplay, but you'll be glad you did. Find a second player. The only real problem is some sprite flicker when there's more than six guys on the screen at once, but it's tolerable. An all-time classic.

Team USA sharpen their skills with a game of Bean Ball.
Beautiful Iceland, with giant penguins.
Even degenerate atheist commies go to heaven when they die (and what happened in 1950?).

TXT file containing the game's credits
Both NES ROMs - use NES emulator of your choice, I choose Nesticle
(check Links section to find the emulators you'll need to play these)

Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu
Our version was a tiny bit watered down...

Story - Controls - Review - Images - Downloads

I'm in the dark. Just another tournament Kunio needs to win, probably. But is it ever really that simple?

See above.

In-Depth Review
This game is almost exactly the same as the USA version of Super Dodgeball, save the following things:
1) The bean ball mode supports up to four players. In America, I don't think the idea of more than two players had even crossed our minds.
2) You play as Nekketsu High School, so you're not American. The first match is against Riki's team in Japan. The match order overall is a bit different, placing Kenya after China and Russia and the final match occuring in the USA.
3) The sprite colors on the "hero team" are different and look quite a bit bolder. Presumably Technos of America didn't think a team of guys with black hair was all-American enough. Team USA in this version is, I believe, Team Japan from the American version, recolored in the same way (brown outlines/hair).
So other than that, we didn't really miss anything. It's worth a try if you absolutely must play bean ball with three other friends.

Famicom cart.
"Evil USA" is a bit more sinister than "Evil Russia"...

TXT file containing the game's credits
Both NES ROMs - use NES emulator of your choice, I choose Nesticle
(check Links section to find the emulators you'll need to play these)