


Source: Hand in Killer 7 Translated by Yoshiko Ohier; edited by James Howell. Proofread by Yoshiko Ohier and OVERDRIVE JEREL Smith.

Click here for the rest of the Hand in Killer 7 translation.

In 1996, the International Photographic Mapping Office was created as an organ of the United Nations. Initially, the office was supposed to sort and distribute aerial photographs for the United Nations Army. Several years later, however, the office was involved fully in controlling media and commercial images.

In 1998, the private use of the Internet was banned globally by the United Nations. Under the influence of such organizations as "Security Council," "Economic and Social Council," and "Human Rights Committee," regulation on the uses of the Internet was reinforced. The restrictions were established to help protect national secrets, as well as individual information, and to protect against cyber- terrorism in the global market.

As a result, analog devices replaced digital devices to support the networks and other media.

However, even after 1998, a computer network still operates that supports hackers and devoted online gamers. Love Wilcox rose to celebrity status among the members of this underground subculture.