Demo & trailer coming soon.
Excerpts from Prolouge

*Youth lost in Citadel De Laputa searching for the Camellia.*
Man in suit: Why hello there. I didn't see you come in.
I must've been way too consumed with the thralls of oral ecstasy. The Harlot's hoes achieve so little in intellectual stimulation.
It's a sad shame really. I heard that they were the cream of the crop. I heard that they could provide
all patrons with any service that they so desired. Too bad it's all heresay.
By the way, My name is Mamoru Sakuraba.
How do you do?
Harold: How am I doing? I just saw you callously murder somebody!?
Mamoru Sakuraba: Murder? Me? I would never do such a thing.
I only grant others what they desire most.
Harold: Like what? Death!!
Mamoru Sakuraba: If you could please ever so kindly stop accusing I of such heinous acts.
I do not wish death on anybody. I only grant them their desire. The answer.
Harold: The answer?
Mamoru Sakuraba: Yes that is correct. Mankind's greatest desire is the answer to the meaning of life. Knowledge of that which is mine.
Harold: What the bloody hell are you yapping about? You call that an answer?
You cold bloodedly murdered that woman for you own enjoyment.
Don't tell me that you got to Tsubaki too?
Mamoru Sakuraba: Did you just say Tsubaki? As in the Camellia? Don't be crazy. I would never go near such a
poisonous flower.
She is carnivorous. She disgusts me. Heh heh, you are indeed a funny guy.
You must not pursue the Camellia's smile I advise you to leave this place while you still can.
Harold: That's ok.
I'm going to call the cops,
and I'm taking Tsubaki with me.
Mamoru Sakuraba: As I said earlier. That flower is carnivorous. She disgusts me.
I can't allow that tainted flower to claim a new trophy.
A word of advice. You shouldn't act upon emotion.
That Camellia is a siren of the foulest breed.
Torn limb from limb, they have befallen.
Enticed by the scent that lead to their demise. An unfortunate mishap.
One that you yourself should be mentally equipped enough to withstand.
Harold: I've had it. I can no longer listen to your meaningless gibberish. (Storms out of the bathroom stall.)
*God damn, that mothafucka is still lost, LOL*
Harold: What the hell!?

Mamoru Sakuraba: I'm afraid you're dead wrong. This is the Citadel De Laputa.
This is the court of Jezebel. The whore of the citadel. The truth is a harsh mistress, and reality is a bitch.
Reason, that pretty whore. She thinks she be wise.
The devil's courtesan is all she amounts to.
I must hand it to you. Even I needed guidance to locate Jezebel's courtship for the first time.
Unfortunately the whore of the citadel seems to be away for the time being.
You're either immensely lucky, or immensely naive.
Harold: Enough with your babble. I just want out of here. Where ever the hell here is.
Mamoru Sakuraba: In due time, In due time. Weren't you the one who wanted to see Tsubaki?
Harold: You, what did you do to her?
Mamoru Sakuraba: Nothing. Nothing at all. As I said. She is carnivorous.
She disgusts me, but I can lead you to her.
Harold: Why should I trust you?
Mamoru Sakuraba: The way I figure it. If I grant the camellia what she so desires.
Than maybe, just maybe she'll show I the answer.
A way for I to escape from this state of decay.
Harold: I don't believe that I follow. Than again I don't really care. Just lead the way.
Mamoru Sakuraba: Why certainly. Proceed to your left.