By oPPonent | 08/25/03
Getting Started
The game was huge. I was sitting at the computer playing my first game against one of the top Age of Mythology players, ]I[nfernum|Garth. Eight slots were reserved for players or watchers, and the option to choose either "Empire Builder" or "Action" was in the upper right hand corner. Starting age, map size, game speed, and starting resources are certainly well known for Empire Earth players.
However, some new options were there: record game, random civilization, and random teams. If you want to play a game that has random ages, you'll have to play with a random civilization also, because civilizations are chosen before the game actually starts.
I decided to choose the Franks. Mainly because I didn't know much about them, and very little information has been released on them. Garth, my opponent, chose the Chinese as his civilization. The Franks start with 5 citizens and 200 food in stock, which allows you to build another 4 citizens. Like the Germans, the Franks also don't have to build houses in order to raise your population limit. Due to starting without a scout, the Franks have no way to explore the map, other than using a starting citizen.
Only a few tiles from my town center, I found an apple tree. It had about 2,000 food to use before starting my first farm. I didn't want my citizens to run all the way back to the Town Center, so instead I built a settlement for 50 wood. I noticed that you always have and a gold deposit and apple tree in your line of sight at the start of every game. We played a 1 versus 1 on a small map, where Garth was exactly across from me on the other side of the map.
The Franks have inexpensive infantry which are built at the barracks. Like the Sword Infantry, or the Foot Archer. It was possible to build many Shock infantry and Citizens at 3:30 (minutes) into the game, with five citizens on an apple tree and five citizens on the gold deposit. Building an economy and military in Empires is a lot easier than in Empire Earth.
In "Action Mode" you are able to place up to 20 citizens on a gold or stone deposit or an apple tree. But notice that it will deplete much faster than using the maximum of six in the "Empire Builder" mode.
Unit handling is the same precision as in Empire Earth. Your units follow your commands directly, and they do not do stupid things which you don't want them to do. Nearly all keys for controlling units are made a lot simpler. You don't need to use the "Alt" key to change unit behavior, you just hit "A" and it makes your units you have selected aggressive. Another example is if you need a bomber anywhere on the map, you just hit "B" and call it.
Special Abilities
There are some very interesting special abilities. Chinese citizens only cost 40 food and players using the English civilization can see every wood and gold deposit at the beginning of the game near their side of the map. You can read about all of this on the Civilizations Page at Empires Aeon.
The Frank's cavalry, unlike its infantry, is very expensive. Although it does have some nice abilities. The spear cavalry can "power up" all nearby units and give them a lot of extra speed. The Frankish Crusader cavalry are much like Empire Earth's priests, and can convert enemy units. The conversion can take a good bit of time, and is hard to micro in a fight, but it is nice to raid your enemy and convert some citizens and buildings while you're at it. Korean Infantry units have the ability to power themselves up also with a lot of extra speed and a faster attack rate. The Koreans have very powerful units, but at the same time are expensive. Koreans also have the ability to start with a hawk at the beginning of the game to explore the enemy's area.
Technologies and the University
After building the University you are able to research some special powers, and they are of course, unique to each Civilization. The special powers are listed (only if researched) in the upper left hand corner of the screen so you can select and use them. Some are cheaper than others, and some are expensive, but at the same time helpful. For example there is a really strong thunderstorm that is unique only to China, where you are able to kill more than ten of your opponents units.
The Armory
There is actually no game that seconds the effectiveness of the Armory in Empires. For example, in the Middle Ages you are able to research an attack and a speed upgrade as the Franks. After the upgrade has been researched, you can click on an icon representing that upgrade and drop it onto one of your units. Then that unit type (if you drop it on swordsman it and all present swordsmen will have that bonus). To make it more balanced, only one type of unit can be upgraded at a time. In addition to that, the enemy will be able to see what upgrades an enemy unit type has by clicking on the unit, and then a special symbol will appear in the lower left hand corner of the screen. After advancing an age you are able to research the upgrade again, but together with some new ones. The Armory is also used to build some of the better units in the Barracks and other production buildings. For example, if you are in the Middle Ages and if you are playing the Franks, you will receive the ability to build Berserks (Axe Throwers, Elite Infantry) and the Franks Crusader cavalry.
Advancing in Age
Advancing ages is very expensive compared to the costs in Empire Earth. After advancing from the Imperial age to World War I, you are able to switch to another Civilization by clicking at a small window appearing at the middle of the screen. Let's take the Franks as an example; they are able to turn into France or Germany after advancing to World War I. Also many players have wondered how huge the leap in unit strengths will be in advancing between ages. It is still possible however to beat a player an age before you. Units are updated in their production buildings after the age advancement, much like in Empire Earth.
That's all I can say for now. I will write another article about the four civilizations that you can play during the Middle Ages through Imperial, which include: the Franks, Chinese, Koreans, and England in the upcoming days, exclusively for Empires Aeon. If you want to know anymore information relating to this article, drop me a line in the forums, my username is oPPonent.