Map Types

Plains is a simple map. A fairly flat landscape with few defendable positions, it provides large open areas that are perfect for expanding your cities. It is also resource rich, allowing you to rapidly expand your empire.

This map consists of one main land mass, separated into sections by numerous rivers. On the Rivers map, you will need to use both land and sea forces to gain victory, with heavier attention given to land.

   Large Islands
As the name implies, this map consists of several large islands scattered around the map. When playing on the Large Islands map, you will depend heavily on your navy to defend your shores and bombard the enemy's island. But to win here, you must also depend on your land and air forces, to clear your opponent's island and defeat him.

The Highlands map provides you with an easily defended position, with mountains dividing you and your foe. There are also many choke points, which provide you, and your foe, with perfect places to set up ambushes. But be warned, mountains do not stop aircraft, so you will need the large supply of wood to build anti-aircraft defenses and repair your buildings.

The Channels map consists of a pair of large land masses, divided by a channel, which leads to a large ocean. In the channel, there is a large island, rich with resources, which will help you greatly in your quest for domination. You will depend on ships to transport your forces across the channel, to capture resources, and defeat your enemy. Also, you will need to defend your shores from your foe, and to prevent him from taking the resource rich island from you.

   Caspian Sea
The Caspian Sea map is a map that consists of a landmass with a large lake in the middle, along with much wood and a greater number of mineral resources than the Mediterranean map. A navy is important for victory here, as much of the map is covered in water. Losing control of the sea does not mean death, however, as there are plenty of resources to go around on land.

   Small Islands
The Small Islands map is similar to Large Islands in that it consists of several islands in the middle of the ocean. But the islands are smaller, and more numerous, forcing you to expand quickly to gather more resources and stay ahead of your foe.

The Continental map consists of a single large island in the middle of the ocean, a reverse of the Mediterranean and Caspian Sea maps. Controlling the sea is not vital here, but can be very helpful in victory, as you can move in close to your opponents base and land troops to strike his undefended back. Resources are plentiful on this map, and it is doubtful you will ever be left wanting.

The Coastal map consists of a large landmass, as well as ocean, and an expansive bay, perfect for sea battles and fishing. Narrow land bridges will provide perfect choke points for slaughtering an attacking foe. You will want control of the sea, however, for losing control of it means losing a good food source, and provides a perfect opportunity for your enemy to stab you in the back.

The Mediterranean map is very similar to the Caspian Sea map, in that it consists of a large lake in surrounded by land. The main difference is the lack of resources. The Mediterranean map has many fewer mineral deposits and forests, forcing you to expand quickly to capture whatever resources you can.

The Oceania map is a mostly water map, with islands close to the edges of the map, but not touching, and several small resource rich islands in the middle. This map requires you to maintain complete control of the ocean, as there is no other way for you to attack your enemy and capture more resources.

   Team Islands
The Team Islands map is another water map, similar to Large Islands, in that there are a number of large islands in the middle of the ocean. The difference is that you and your teammates share the island, while the opposing team (or teams) is located on the other islands, one per team. This map requires you to keep domination of the water, as it is vital for attacking your foe. You and your teammate(s) must also share resources, making sure there are enough to go around.