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I'm in college, studying to be a pilot. I've actually got a social life now, surprise surprise.
10-07-2007 21:13 |
Forum Newcomer
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Join Date: 12-14-2003
I used to be Average_Joe.
I'm studying to be a musician with the hope to get a job performing in a chamber choir after college. I've done some work on some GS fansites as a hobby and swing by here once every month or so in the hopes of catching some old acquaintances posting the occasional rest in peace thread. The whole active gaming scene is just too much for me now, I don't have enough free time. These forums really were like a liberal arts school, thanks to Matt and the other history buffs, I've never done poorly in any history course. I've also ended up becoming a rather ruthless debater thanks to the many years of observing the countless arguments here. It used to be a center of technological and mathematical discussion back in the time when Mike used to post.
The whole pretending to be a thirty year old military officer was pretty stupid in retrospect.
I'm glad to hear that you've been doing well, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who served their stint in EA being unsuccessful. I'm sure we can think a few though, just maybe.
I do wonder what all the former members are doing now, considering that this site was its largest around 2003 if I'm correct? It seems like an eternity.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Tsunami on 10-13-2007 at 20:39.
10-13-2007 20:25 |
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Location: Western Washington University--Bellingham, WA, USA
I live.
Hit me up at genmay sometime.
------------------------- Much less hostile over the interweb than formerly.
12-12-2007 06:16 |
Blue Baron
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Wow, thanks for making this thread. It's good to see that some people are still alive.
Well, my life has taken its fair share of unexpected twists and turns. I was mostly in middle school throughout my postings here and in hindsight I can't help but think it showed.
After my sophomore year in high school I applied to and was accepted into a very prestigious boarding school in Connecticut. I've been lucky enough to have a family that was willing make sacrifices so that I could have great academic opportunities. Once there I feel a matured a lot as a person. It was co-ed (much different than my previous school) and a much more social setting. It sort of weened me off the internet you could say. I got very into sports, started wrestling which has gone on to become a big part of my life. My senior year I looked at several colleges around the country (once again, I was blessed to have such opportunities) but in the end decided that what I really wanted was to be closer to home. I'm now a freshman at the University of Texas, doubling majoring in Economics and the undergraduate honors program. Couldn't be happier.
That said, I feel a lot of what I've accomplished in life I owe to what I learned on this community. Sure it's just an internet message board, but I can't help but feel that the countless hours I spent on here taught me just as much about history, persuasive writing, and the other nuisances of academia as the days I spent staring out the window in high school.
Once again it's good to hear from everyone, I'll try to check back soon and hopefully there'll be a few more responses.
12-14-2007 00:03 |
Forum Elder
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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Well, I never really got that involved in the off topic sections of the site, as I was more invested in the games themselves (or rather, my naive hope that either SSSi or Mad Doc could make a decent follow-up). In hindsight, I regret not having spent more time off topic... Well, after having grown disillusioned with several facets of my life. Amongst others, the huge amount of time I spent online amateurishly trying to make my gaming hobby into something a bit more serious. So, though two unrelated family crisises were the main catalysts, one the things I decided to do was to do a cold turkey when it came to online participation in anything other than news reading. In effect, I more or less successfully managed to change what bothered me about my life. I wouldn't say that I've changed much as a person, but I've definitively matured quite a bit. I would like to give a long overdue apology to especially Matt for disappearing like that. I wouldn't dare to assume that you thought it hurtful, but with regards to EEA, it most have been an annoyance. Sorry.
With regards to my personal life, I currently work as a substitute teacher (practically everyone in Denmark take one or two years of studying to work or travel after finishing what is equivalent to high school), but expect to start studying philosophy at the University of Copenhagen this September. Though I might still change my mind and take an English-languaged Bachelor of Arts instead.
With regards to gaming, I've played practically all of the prominent RTS and 4X games (the Paradox games never really caught my eye) in SP. It wasn't until recently that I played my first game online in years. The game in question is Sins of A Solar Empire, a space RT4X I would highly recommend any of you old-timers. Even though the game has been topping the charts as of late, the online community is small and close (with all the fun and personal name calling that follows...), and more importantly, the game was developed by Ironclad in cooperation with Stardock, one of the more responsive developers out there. They've already proven several times that they listen to the community, which is a godsend compared to what we experienced here at EEA...
When I have time to play, I go by the name of Vanechka.
It's been good to read that you are all doing well.
------------------------- "Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell
03-22-2008 10:50 |
Posts: 354
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Join Date: 02-17-2003
Oh hey guys, what's going on in this forum?
I graduated from uni, joined the army, been off and fought in two wars. My long time partner left me last year and I have been making love to random women ever since. Turned out I was a manwhore in disguise.
Army is awesome, I recommend it to everyone. War is cool. Except for the whole getting shot at part, I get flashbacks occassionaly, but hey, I got paid well so it all balances out.
Oh... and I like dancing
For a good time, AIM me on crazyvince1
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by vinnie on 03-23-2008 at 22:25.
03-23-2008 22:13 |
Retired Staff Member
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Hey, you might remember me. It's been a long time.
Nothing's changed.
03-25-2008 04:59 |
Forum Newcomer
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Join Date: 03-22-2008
Hard to believe it's been 4 years since Matt banned me for saying that shipping the Jews off to Madagascar was not a valid alternative to the holocaust, yet perhaps he would hate me less now that Ich kann ein bischen Deutsch sprechen and I value the realism of games (mods usually) like Forgotten Hope. I'm still stuck in high school until I complete the college admission process, looking back at my old posts just reminds me of how much I now hate middle schoolers and freshmen. And sophomores for that matter.
If this is a proper reunion, we should get a game up sometime, what are you all playing nowadays?
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by HamsterMaster on 03-28-2008 at 19:52.
03-28-2008 19:51 |
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03-30-2008 07:02 |
Posts: 354
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Join Date: 02-17-2003
Oh Ace, you so silly!
I heard the truth about you. Apparently, you got a multi-million dollar contract to be a bikini waxer in the Playboy mansion and spend your whole day plucking hairs from inappropiate places on large breasted women. No gaming time for you anymore!
I play on weekends sometimes. Nothing serious anymore, too much time spent working or tuning women.
04-05-2008 01:14 |
Forum Elder
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Location: Portland, Oregon
There are still people here?
Well, I'm at Portland State University studying to be a math major(big surprise there). I'm trying to go for a Doctorate so I can teach it at the university level. Right now, I work on the campus Unix team administrating things, and if you randomly want to get a hold of me, my email is MyUsername@gmail.com or mburge(antispam)@pdx.edu. I'm still socially inept as before, though for what it's worth I do go to church.
Now does anyone else think it strange that after a couple years, I would randomly dig up a gaming website for a game I no longer own and post there?
------------------------- Theorem 4.2. Consider the set of all sets that never been considered. Then we have...oops, nevermind.
06-25-2008 09:33 |
Corporal Mckee
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I moved to Honolulu. Now I just work, surf, and fuck Japanese girls. Yup, that's pretty much it.
09-11-2008 05:04 |