2 October 05 |
2 October 05 |
First and formost, the Dragonshard Enclave is proud to announce the release of the Dragonshard Companion. This program is a utility designed to aid you in the world of Dragonshard. Its primary function is to make it easy for you to look up any playable unit in the game as a quick reference, where you can see that unit's statistics, abilities, and role in a friendly user interface. Also, the Companion runs simulated duels between any two units, giving you a rough idea of how you should use your units in combat.
Also in the dowloads section is the 1.1.4 patch, and another Enclave exclusive: the Dragonshard Intro movie in DIVX format.
As always we will continue to be your source for Dragonshard Information... and now your source for Dragonshard tools!
23 September 05 |
"The wide variety of options in the skirmish and multiplayer will maintain your interest for a long while."
22 September 05 |
"Dragonshard isn't just good -- it's superb."
21 September 05 |
"It's good-looking and fast-paced, and it will have you crushing armies in one moment and plundering tombs the next. That's a heck of a combination."
20 September 05 |
On a huge down note however, just checked on amazon for the uk and it's not out until October 21st!!!!! God I can't wait that long! As always we're the last to ever get anything in this world :(