February 2004

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Stress Test Too Stressed?
Posted by JackSwift @ 5:08PM EST

Multiple times today Faustus has restarted the Beta MV because of the massive amounts of objects in-game (formerly known as LAG). Likely culprits are the sheer amount of fighters launched from UGTO craft and missles from ICC ships.

Most of the lag issues have not only disappeared, but increased since Saturday, which makes things look grim for a Monday release schedule.

Stress Test Pictures
Posted by JackSwift @ 3:43AM EST

I've uploaded 11 new stress test pictures onto my site for your viewing pleasure. This is only a temporary page until Virtu/Rock upload them onto the DSC site. Thank you and enjoy!

The new pictures can be found here.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

DSC v2.0 - Important Info
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:52PM EST

Occuring sometime during this Monday Afternoon/Evening, I will be taking the Darkspace Connection website offline so that I may start uploading the new website to the dynamic6. I am not sure when exactly I'll be taking the site offline, but expect it to occur around 4pm EST (GMT -5). Expect the website to come back online within the next two hours or so from when it goes offline. A filler page will take the place of the index where I'll post the info on when exactly you can expect for it to come back online.

This may also be delayed as I have some other plans on Monday that could conflict, but as of now it seems to be good.

Oh the fun!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 7:35PM EST

Well, about seven hours ago the 1.481 Stress Test began, and damn is it good. Plenty of people, fights, and fun! If you haven't downloaded the beta yet and still want to test it, you have until Monday at 1pm! You can find links to the Beta client in the below news post!

And remember! Those who play two hours or more will recieve two free weeks of subscription when 1.481 releases!

Major News! Darkspace 1.481 Stress Test!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 11:59AM EST

This just in, the Darkspace 1.481 Stress Test begins today at 1pm Eastern Standard Time! This will be the big beta test before the release of the v1.481 patch!

Darkspace needs ALL its players to partcipate in this stress test for it to release on time, and those who play more than two hours in this stress test will recieve two weeks free playtime when the patch releases!

This Stress Test begins at 1pm EST TODAY, and ends at 1pm EST Monday Afternoon.

You can download the Darkspace Beta client from two mirrors here at the site if you dont have it yet. DOWNLOAD from Fileplanet or DOWNLOAD from darkspace.net

This is major news! I hope to see many people in the beta servers today. There are no more delays, it happens...today.

New Beta Screenies!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 12:59AM EST

I've thrown up another eleven images from the Darkspace Beta to the website.

Wow, that was a short update.

Friday, February 27, 2004

DSC Forums Offline
Posted by TheVirtu @ 8:47PM EST

I've taken the forums offline for the weekend as I begin tweaking (perhaps upgrading) them in preparation for v2.0 of the Darkspace Connection. You can expect the forums togo back online sometime between late Sunday and Tuesday evening.

Info on Yesterday's Beta Updates
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:48AM EST

Well, I figure since I didn't get to post up what the obvious changes to the game were yesterday, I figure I might as well post them now.

* The Beta Metaverse was reset again yesterday, so the planets and the layout of the MV probably did change.
* The old interface is back, with some neat additions and changes to it.
* The basics of the mission system have seem to have been added.
* The old style of turning your warship has returned in the beta.
* Controls Change: Ctrl Q now deactivates a building, Ctrl X (Twice) scraps a selected infantry/building.
* Probably more, but I dont remember them right now.

That's all for now, keep checking back with DSC for the lastest in Darkspace Beta info!

Bombing guide up!
Posted by Rock @ 7:20AM EST

The bombing guide is now available on DSC as well. Thank Jack for his amazing flash skills, as well as writing a much needed guide.

You can find the guide here.

New DSA Tutorial
Posted by JackSwift @ 2:17AM EST

Over the past couple days I was looking at this site and noticed that the DarkSpace Academy had no bombing tutorial. The creator in me wanted to make one, so make one I did. For some reason I even made a mini-flash animation for how to shield bombs.

I put a makeshift webpage on my site for this bombing tutorial until Virtu can integrate it with the rest of the DSA tutorials. Anyways, enjoy!

This is what ensues after having nothing to do...

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Yet Another Interface Update
Posted by JackSwift @ 4:28PM EST

Faustus has yet again updated the Beta interface from an hour ago. Details are still sketchy at this point to what was changed (F remains silent), so people will just have to go into beta and find out for themselves.

DSC v2.0 - In Progress
Posted by TheVirtu @ 3:32PM EST

Good day folks,

For about a week now I have been constantly slaving away in Dreamweaver on the second rebuild of the website, in antcipation of the upcoming v1.481 and v1.482 patches. This rebuild will give the site a new future of prosperity and someday bring it to the extent that I have dreamed it to have become.

Some of the features in this rebuild that are about to/are implimented will include new graphics, rebuilt navigation system, new special sections for v1.481 and v1.482, reworking of the DSC Forums and Chatroom, and redone content for basically the entire site.

There are other features that could be implimented. (I want the feature of getting the forums populated with users )

But, what I need from you guys is some suggestions for the new site version. What did/don't you like about the current site version? What would you like to see in the new site? Why?

If you have a suggestion, email me at dsc@3dactionplanet.com or post your reply in this darkspace.net forum thread.

Beta Update (2/26/04)
Posted by TheVirtu @ 3:29PM EST

I just logged on a few minutes ago for the first time today to find a nice 3.3mb update to the beta. No information on what the update was about, however.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Beta Interface Update
Posted by TheVirtu @ 11:33PM EST

Faustus has announced that his experiment with the new beta interface is over for the moment and he will be putting the old interface back in, which is good to most of us, because we love it. Hehe.

Well, that's enough updates from me for tonight, I need some rest.

Another beta update for today...
Posted by TheVirtu @ 10:14PM EST

The Beta was updated a second time tonight, which means you guys have some more downloading todo on the beta client, I dont have any info on what the latest update is about right now, however.

Update Server Issues Resolved
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:59PM EST

Well, just about a minute ago the update servers for the release came back online, hopefully it stays that way. Update away!

Darkspace Update Server Down
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:50PM EST

The update server for the release Darkspace servers is currently offline due to technical issues. It is unknown when these servers will be online again at this point. What this means is newly downloaded Darkspace clients cannot update themselves to the current release version, hopefully this will be fixed soon.

The update server for the Darkspace Beta is unaffected and is online.

Arrow Keys Are Back!
Posted by JackSwift @ 8:32PM EST

This announcement is so important, it deserves its own headline.

The old arrow key turning system is back! No more flying around in circles and throwing your keyboard at the wall. Test out the beta today and see for yourself!

Beta Interface Update
Posted by JackSwift @ 5:50PM EST

Faustus has taken the time to tweak the Beta interface for easier use. A lot of vets will have to unlearn some keys, such as "o" for orbit, but looks like a much more user-friendly interface from what I can tell.

Quoted from the DS site:
"All commands are now inside submenus, and the spacebar is now context senstive (if you have a planet targeted, spacebar is the orbit comand now, enemy ship is alpha strike, etc)."

"NOTE: in-game Options screen is now gone, HUD colors are being moved to client setup shortly."

So far most of the DS vets are complaining about this new "multi-purpose key". Most suggestions ask that the old commands be restored and have an unused button be the new 'spacebar'. Some commands are a little confusing at the moment (u to unload, but space to load?) and are getting fleshed out as more players try them.

Minor updates
Posted by Rock @ 5:20PM EST

Updated a few pages. Badges and ranks can now be found on this page.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

New Staff Member!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:41PM EST

I'd like to welcome JackSwift to the DSC Team, he will be joining us as one of our newsies.

Monday, February 23, 2004

New Building List
Posted by Rock @ 9:13PM EST

The 1.481 Buildings list has been completely revamped. Previously it displayed only new buildings, now it has all available ones, including resource costs, (tech) requirements and output. Look for a list of 1.481 component and ship costs soon.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Site Additions and other...stuff
Posted by TheVirtu @ 3:04PM EST

I've cleaned up the look of the index page for the Screenshots section of the website and added some artwork of the new fighters that will be in 1.482, there are nine images, 3 per faction. You can find the artwork here.

Faustus has posted up some information on the new types of slots that will be in v1.481 (not final), you can find this information and make suggestions/comments in this thread.

Also, Faustus has let us know that there will be another update to the beta by Monday at the latest that will let us try out the game with the new slot types (and other fixes, etc.) So, I hope to see alot of people playing on the Beta Metaverse.

1.481 Buildings Updated
Posted by TheVirtu @ 2:02AM EST

Tonight I finished up adding the new buildings and their stats in 1.481 to the 1.481 New Buildings section and corrected a few errors on the stats of the Deep Core Mine.

Soon I will get to work on a full list of all of the buildings in the game and their new resource and technology requirements for v1.481. More details on that to come.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Quick Screenshots Addition
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:10PM EST

I threw up another four beta screenshots up into the screenshots section. Enjoy.

New Beta Screenshots
Posted by TheVirtu @ 5:27PM EST

I've added eight new beta screenshots to our 1.481 Screenshots section. These show off some of the nicer and cleaner graphics in the 1.481 beta. The screenshots for the beta will start being added much more often with the public beta going on now.

If you have any beta screenshots, feel free to email me.

New MV Layout!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 5:19PM EST

Here's some nice news, the image of the layout of the new metaverse is now on DSC! Right now the beta MV will have somewhere around 40 systems with who knows how many systems. The new Metaverse layout is currently not up in the beta right now though, but there is a smaller version of it with just a few new systems in it.

I'd like to thank Sopwith Camel for the additional eyecandy he added with the image. Here it is...

New MV Layout Image *The layout probably will still change before it releases though

Friday, February 20, 2004

Small Updates!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 11:16PM EST

Tonight I have been tweaking the website and changed the header a little bit, hope you guys like it. I've also fixed some screenshots that were linking back to the old site (they still showed, but lead you away from the real site).

Starting tomorrow, we will start having PoTD once again, I will hopefully be able to keep it filled up with nice images for a long while now, if you have any screenshots to submit to DSC, email me at thevirtu@3dactionplanet.com and we'll discuss how to transfer the screenshots.

I've also uploaded a new wallpaper to the Downloads section. This 1024x768 only wallpaper weighs in at a minor 257KB, and shows off a UGTO station and planets in the Darkspace Beta with some nicer looking graphics. You can download the wallpaper from fileplanet, download the new wallpaper!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Listings and Additions
Posted by TheVirtu @ 10:49PM EST

I've compiled a list of the current new v1.481 buildings that are in the beta and their stats, you can find them in the new section, New Buildings. These are all likely to change before release of the patch.

The new limits for infantry have been activated, all planets can now hold 32 friendly infantry. And also there is a new class of infantry called heavy infantry, I am not sure of the specifics of heavy infantry right now. But from common sense these are probably much more powerful infantry. More details to come.

UPDATE: (12:38am) Well Heavy Infantry are about 1 and a half times stronger than regular inf I believe, costs six times the metals than regular inf, and takes twice as long to build. This is from what I could tell in the beta when I played.

Quick Update
Posted by TheVirtu @ 7:53PM EST

Well, it seems as if I overlooked a beta update from a few days ago. A couple days ago new buildings were added into the beta for planet building, they are the following: Biosphere Condenser (Farm), Quantum Generator, Variance Generator, Subspace Network (Lab), Cortex Nexus (Lab), Mantle Extractor (Mine), Defense Base II, Defense Base III, Fighter Base II, and Fighter Base III. These are all higher level buildings to make planets harder to attack. I do not have any real details on these buildings at the moment, I plan to get this info soon though.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Site/Beta Updates
Posted by TheVirtu @ 11:11PM EST

I've added a new section on the website, v1.481 Metaverse Layout, showing the current state of the beta metaverse that could make it into the patch. This will be updated as the beta metaverse is changed.

And also the wormhole devices have had their distances lowered to 1.5mil gu jumps for the ICC Jump Cruiser and 2.5mil gu jumps for all stations.

Latest Beta Updates (2/18/04)
Posted by TheVirtu @ 9:48PM EST

Here's some quick beta updates before I go into the beta server and have some fun.

The new metaverse is now online in the beta servers for testing, I'm not exactly sure of what systems or how many of them there are. Expect more info on this soon.

About a couple minutes ago the beta servers came back online after some issues that caused it to lag out.

And the wormhole device has been added to the Stations and the ICC Jump Cruiser, this enables stations/jump cruisers and their supporting fleets to jump (Stations: 5mil gu max | Jump Cruiser: 2.5mil gu max)

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Beta Updates (2/12/04)
Posted by TheVirtu @ 8:17PM EST

Here's some beta updates from Faustus for today.

- Loading infantry now correctly checks the cargo limits, including cargo en-route by pod to the ship. Previously, you could load much more than your ship could hold, thus dumping the poor infantry arriving into the vacume of space.

- Disbanding infantry now applied +1 population if the infantry is above 50% health.

- Lower the tech level of the cloaking device to 20, which should bring the required tech level of all ships down as well.

- All meta-server commands can be used in-game (i.e. /send) without have to put a /meta in front. You still need to use /say to talk into your current room.

- UGTO/ICC alliance maps are now fixed and all fleet briefings have been edited. (basically, I pulled out the poorly written system overviews)

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

More Beta Updates!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 11:43PM EST

Here's a few new updates on the 1.481 public beta test being held.

Starports now show the total amount of resources on a planet, but when you move your mouse over the resource, it will tell you the normal amount of credits it will cost to purchase a set amount of a resource (ex. 1000 metals could cost 50 credits). This is a quick way to see how much of a resource on a planet.

The ship capturing system has also been modified to prevent people from just massing transport groups and unloading all your infantry on a combat fleet and defeating them. All ships now have a set chance that you will capture them when infantry are loaded onto them. Should you fail to capture the ship, instead a ship component will be destroyed (random). The higher the level of the infantry, the higher the possible capture precentage. The possibility of capture is as follows: Engineer 11%, Supply 11%, Transport 8%, Scout 11%, Frigate 8%, Destroyer 6%, Cruiser 3%, Dread 2%, Station 1%. Be advised this only comes in effect if you run out of infantry on your ship.

Oh, and a partial intel posting by the developers on the topic of K'luth Combat Instructors, you can find the topic here

And now I'm off to finish download the UT2k4 demo, ssssh :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Site Updates!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 7:28PM EST

Wow, its been a while since I've updated anything besides news. Tonight I removed the two 1.481 guides that I had up for Darkspace Academy due to incompability with changes in the new patch. I've also updated the 1.481 Game Changes section in the 1.481 Patch Section.

And also soon I hope to work on the Pic of the Day and once again get it filled with some new screenshots to last for the next month or so. Oh, and a small change to the FAQ was made tonight.

I've noticed that some of the people who won the DSC Dueling Ladder from about two months ago still havent come to me to claim their prizes, if you wish to claim your prize you have to email me or find me on Darkspace.

Darkspace 1.481 Beta: Updates
Posted by TheVirtu @ 7:14PM EST

Faustus has announced the following updates to the 1.481 beta...

- Cleaned up the planets screen (F3). Structures and Units are now displayed by default. The build/factory queues are now only available by clicking on the structure you want to control. I know some people are going to complain about this, but quite frankly I ran out of screen space for an 800x600 display. Trade route interface has been removed as well. (see below)

- Moved the ships status display (energy, signature) back down the the lower left part of the screen. If you remember this is where is use to be located, and it works much better in that location.

- Trade routes are now fully automatic, based on supply/demand for resources on the planets. Frankly, I was not happy with the interface for trade routes, just too damn complex to use... until I have time to make a drag-drop interface for trade routes they will stay automatic.

Changes to the Research System!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 5:36PM EST

Faustus has announced he has made changes to the way that you can research new technology on planets, instead of going through researching the tech tree, it now depends on the amount of research bases, and if you have a colony hub. Population also has a factor, if half of your planet's population is destroyed in an attack, your technology level is halved. Each of these has a certain technology value. For example, the more research bases and population you have, the higher your technology level for that planet will be. Research bases give +10 technology per. Colony Hub gives +10 technology. More to come!

Sunday, February 8, 2004

Beta Updates!
Posted by TheVirtu @ 10:37AM EST

Great News! Faustus has released a big beta update and now needs your help to beta test it! He's now hard at work at fixing the bugs you find. If you wish to beta test, download the Darkspace Beta client from our downloads section.

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Faustus needs help!
Posted by Rock @ 9:16PM EST

Richard "Faustus" Lyle, Lead Programmer of DarkSpace, asked the community for help with a piece of program code. Anyone with knowledge of 3D programming, or coding in general, please take a look at his post.

In other news, the dreaded Neutral Pirates conquered the Lalande system today. At the time of posting, UGTO and K'luth are still fighting over the system, with a few Neutrals remaining as well.