BASEBALL (2 players)
It's baseball like the Major leagues with players moving, bats swinging, crowds cheering and runners scoring. Points are earned by a runner crossing home plate, just as in a "real" baseball game.
Choose Baseball by pressing 1 on the keypad or by using remote
game selection (pull the trigger on hand control 1, turn the knob
until 1 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again).
Hand control 1 is used for the home team, and the visitors team is controlled by 2.
Trigger | Operates the bat. |
Knob | Moves the outfielders to the left or right. |
Joystick | Controls the speed and curve of the pitch (forward is slow pitch, back is fast pitch). |
The object of the game is to score more runs than your opponent in the nine innings of play.
The word UP above the name HOME or VIS indicates the batting team. When the game begins, the visiting team will be at bat first.
To begin play, the home team player (1) pitches the ball by moving the joystick. Pitches can be fast or slow, with inside or outside curves. Player 2, the batter, pulls the trigger to release the bat after the ball has been pitched. If he misses the ball, the umpire (Arcade) calls a strike or a ball.
When the ball is hit, the screen indicates whether the play is a single, double, triple, homer, foul or an out. When the team at bat has three outs, the teams exchange places on the field.
The infielders automatically move to make the plays, which adds
to the excitement of the game. The outfielders are moved with
the knob to catch fly balls.
Inning of Play | Number of Outs |
Number of Strikes | Number of Balls |
When the team at bat scores a run, it is recorded in the score box below the name of that team.
To play Baseball again, press the RESET button or pull the trigger on hand control X1, and follow the instructions for starting the game.
HANDBALL (2 players)
This fast-paced action game keeps the players running. After the serve, take turns retrieving the ball which will bounce off the front and side walls of the court. The first player to gain 21 points is the winner.
Choose Handball by pressing 2 on the keypad or by using remote game selection (pull the trigger on hand control 1, turn the knob until 2 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again). Select 2 for the number of players.
Joystick | Has no function. |
Trigger | Moves the player from side to side on the court. |
Knob | Moves the player forward and backward on the court. |
As soon as you have entered the number of players, the Arcade will serve the first ball from the center of the court. Player 1 is white and t2 is blue. The ball will change color to indicate which player is to return it.
If you return the ball when it is your opponent's color, he will score a point. When it is your turn to play and you miss the ball, it will exit the back court (right side of the screen) and your opponent will score a point.
Each time a ball exits the screen, it will then be served automatically from the center of the court. As players continue returning the ball, the speed will increase. Also, as your skill at retrieving the ball improves, you will be able to return the ball using interesting curves and angles.
The first player to reach 21 points wins the game. The scores appear in the top center of the screen after each play.
When one of the players has scored 21 points, pull the trigger on hand control 1 or press RESET to return to the main menu.
HOCKEY (2 to 4 players)
Score goals by firing the puck into your opponent's net. From the moment of the face off, the action is fast and furious, so prepare to respond quickly!
Choose Hockey by pressing 3 on the keypad or by using remote game selection (pull the trigger on hand control 61, turn the knob until 3 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again). Enter the number of players (2-4).
Hand controls 1 and 3 are used for the red team, and the green team is controlled by 2 and 4. If only two people are playing, connect hand controls 1 and 2 so that each player will have a goalie and a forward.
Joystick | Has no function. |
Trigger | Moves all players from side to side on the ice. |
Knob | Moves only the forwards back and forth across the ice. |
The object of the game is to be the first team to score 21 points by getting the hockey puck past the opposing team's goalie and into their net. The red team aims at the left net, and the green team trys to hit the puck into the right net.
The puck is automatically served from center ice, so position your player so that he can hit the Duck toward your opponent's goal. Both teams have a goalie whose job it is to block the puck from entering his net. The goalies move from side to side, but not toward or away from the center.
At the beginning of the game, the puck moves slowly; but as the teams hit it back and forth, the action becomes faster and faster.
One point is awarded each time the puck enters your opponent's net. The scores of both teams are flashed at the top of the screen each time either team scores a point. The first team to reach 21 points is the winner.
To play Hockey again, press the RESET button (or pull the trigger on hand control tl) and follow the instructions for starting the game.
TENNIS (2 or 4 players)
Challenge your friends to a tennis match and play singles or doubles. Score points for every volley your opponent is unable to return.
Choose Tennis by pressing 4 on the keypad or by using remote game selection (pull the trigger on hand control 1, turn the knob until 4 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again). Select the number of players (2 or 4).
Joystick | Has no function. |
Trigger | Moves the player from side to side inside his own court. |
Knob | Moves the player toward or away from the net. |
The object of the game is to return the serve (or volley) over the court line behind the opposing player.
The ball is automatically served from the center of the net (called the midline), in alternate directions. Although the ball moves slowly at first, the speed increases as the playing continues and your skill improves.
When the' ball is served into your court, return it by moving your player into its path. NOTE: When the ball rebounds off the sides of the court (top and bottom of the screen), it is still in play, so return the rebounds also.
When a player misses either a serve or a volley, the ball will exit the screen behind the player and the opponent will be given one point. The scores appear at the top of the screen after each serve. A total score of 21 points wins the game.
When playing doubles, points are given to the two player team rather than to the individual players.
To play Tennis again, press the RESET button (or pull the ttigger
on hand control ii) end follow the instructions for starting the