Are you freelance? Want to do a little work and get paid for it? There's 50,000 dollars up for grabs with the Make Something Unreal Contest. Contact me by going and registering in the forums or emailing me your portfolio. If I like the work you have done and pass the application process, then I will add you to the moderators list in the forum. Then you will be a part of the team! If I don't like your work. I am sorry you will be limited to the unregistered parts of the forum.
Are you freelance? Want to do a little work and get paid for it? There's 50,000 dollars up for grabs with the Make Something Unreal Contest. Contact me by going and registering in the forums or emailing me your portfolio. If I like the work you have done and pass the application process, then I will add you to the moderators list in the forum. Then you will be a part of the team! If I don't like your work. I am sorry you will be limited to the unregistered parts of the forum.
Last Updated ( Jan 08, 2009 at 04:52 PM )
What is Project 46?
Written by Administrator
Oct 09, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Project 46 is a map I started creating back in the days of quake 3, which eventually got ported over to doom 3 and quake 4. Now it is being ported over to Unreal Tournament 3 for the Make Something Unreal Contest being held by Intel and Epic.
50,000 dollar Grand prize and a Free Unreal 3 Engine license just think of all the possibilities
Still interested, even slightly? then click this link to go straight to the forums.
//AnthraxBio-Project46 Forums!
You must register in order to see any and all of the Project 46 threads, if you stay as a guest you will be limited to only to seeing a few of the threads.
Project 46 teaser thread is for unregistered guests and so is everything not Project 46!!!
Be sure to read the tutorials and see the screenshots from many of my mods.
There are nearly 30 job openings, remember grand prize for the contest is 50,000 dollars and a Unreal 3 Engine license, The ones who stick around to the end of the contest will get a fair share.
if you have a question and there is nothing posted in the news or in the forums don't be scared to ask
if i have something to post then i will post it
if not ill answer to the best of my knowledge or link you to something just as good!
Last Updated ( Oct 29, 2008 at 05:51 PM )
Curious? Wondering whats going on?
Written by Administrator
Oct 11, 2008 at 12:52 AM
We are creating a professional modification for the INTEL & Epic: Make Something Unreal Contest
and for right now we are using a top secret name of Project 46 Just for fun.
You and I will be using the Unreal 3 Technology Engine that both powers Gears of War, Unreal Tournament III, Bio Shock and Roboblitz
I already have an advanced forum system for everyone's questions, postings and input.The main web site is generally for all news and all business will be done in the forums.
Click this link to go directly to the forums
AnthraxBio-Project46 Forums!
You must register in order to view any and all Project 46 Threads. This is were the development of the game will take place. The only thing viewable is Project 46 Teaser Screenshots