#revolt-chat statistics generated by DSL_Tile & SuPeRTaRD

Statistics generated from Saturday 23.11.2002 to Sunday 1.12.2002
During this 9-day reporting period a total of 74 persons visited the channel #revolt-chat

Daily IRCing activity










23.11 24.11 25.11 26.11 27.11 28.11 29.11 30.11 1.12

Pink Hours 12am-6am Green Hours 6am-12pm Blue Hours 12pm-6pm Red Hours 6pm-12am

Channel load by hours

12am 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

TOP 30 nicks

  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 @SuPeRTaRD 47936414993 1922 "big woofer magnets work good for that"
2 @DSL_Tile 74110138814 1136 "ur learning to be a programmer, right ?"
3 @TheMeandMe 21741538 678 "* The^player was kicked by TheMeandMe (try to play with this one
dude... and come back if i kicked u out accidentally... what i doubt
4 @voodoo_melon 12124307100 543 "4Ur bored:12 when you Keep triggering peoples scripts on purpose"
5 @SlowJustice 17226276 475 "they dont care... they dont do anything with networks"
6 @acme^_^ 11287175 376 "notice how he didn't say "sonner or later"
7 @Hawk2k2 28967 356 "one of DSL's kicking messages"
8 @hil 29271 302 "make regular brownies and smoke"
9 @revlo 2988170 287 "<DSL_Tile> this is a chat room u know <- lets rename it into
dormitory :)"
10 @SpoonMan 108174 285 "and recently got the full game"
11 @TMaM|homework 29210 239 "13Network Interfaces: 09/07#1 (PPP Adapter. (9Kb/s) 0.00MB In
, 0.00MB Out) #2(NTS PPPoE Adapter (10Mb/s) 0.00MB In, 0.00MB
Out) #3(D-Link DRN-32TX Ethernet Card (10Mb/s) 16.39MB In, 1.34MB ..."
12 @roseladi 55173 237 "wow just came in and read...war is banned...and by st hmmmmm"
13 @Tron_man 5919132 210 "just got back from picking up new car ;))"
14 @rst 267122 155 "yes ... i am completly sure.. ghost files is the key"
15 @GWC 147 147 "quite surprised to find a little track laid out"
16 @shawn64 138 138 "sooo you comin to game.."
17 @kv 3067 110 "GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KICK YOU!!!"
18 @stevejdowney 2965 99 "so probably wont be till sunday night"
19 @Lightfall 91458 87 "we could make a stredgewich"
20 @LaserBeams 441228 85 "10CPU: 4(Brain 1.0 - status: non-operational4)"
21 @kilroy 61 61 "I'll go and chane em!"
22 @amorph 58 58 "if they commented the code out we'll never see it, only chance if they
just don't call it but that its sitting in memory somewhere.. We need
to know what the code looks like in memory to give us a probe to ..."
23 eggnostic 2227 49 "same here and I have the problem of being a 3dmax rookie :)"
24 @IronBob 42 42 "I also noticed that DSL updated RVA, and forgot to post my Mad Bull"
25 @Yamada 39 39 "I saw a onefoot manual"
26 @+Super_Mouse 36 36 "Ill try work that out :P"
27 @Volty 30 34 "ima goin.. have to sleep"
28 TMaM|fooooood 1811 29 "just hold your breath"
29 @halo_one 24 29 "photoshop ctrl-u and select a color and play with the hue and saturation"
30 @rev^homework 15 27 "02Operating System: 09/Windows 98 (4.10 - 2222)09\ 09º 02Uptime:
09/1m 12s09\ 09º 02Record: 09/15hrs 54mins 18secs(Set on 27/10/02
using 98)09\"

They just didn't make it to the Top 30
@TMaM|jam (26) @+Harmonix (26) @halo_away (21) @assvoel (21) @Warby|Pool (20) rev^tv (20) @BR (20) @crosseyed (19)
@Bolty (16) @TMaM|tv (15) @TMaM|afk (15) @Warby (14) @stevenjdowney (14) @MichiganMustDie (13) Babii`Rom3o (13) @Tile-work (12)
@JustSlow (11) @vm|ZZZzzz (10) AutoLite (9) @Kolty (8) @_GoD_kSd (8) @SuPeRTaRD-bbl (7) @Tile-ZZzzz (5) @schplutt (5)
@rev^food (5) @Mota15 (5) @kvorlon (5) LSD_Lite (3) @_robb (3) @Zero_9 (2) @Tile-html (2) TheBest (2)
SuPeRTaRDoLy (2) SuPeRTaRDo (2) @rev^bbl (2) CAsSiO (2) vm|out (1) prib (1) @kv|job (1) kv|away (1)
Gareth (1) eliT_LSD (1) Afty (1) \o\ (1)

Big Numbers

_robb couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #revolt-chat 69 times during this reporting period...
DSL_Tile really wanted others to know what was doing - 85 descriptions alltogether.
 [18:02] * DSL_Tile watches for movement from SlowJustice
The evil guard of #revolt-chat was SuPeRTaRD who got this reputation after kicking out 5 persons.
 [23:07] *** Warby|Pool was kicked by SuPeRTaRD (OH NO! whos that?)
SuPeRTaRD gave most ops - actually 61 of them.
SpoonMan had many things uncertain - 19% of lines contained a question.

...and silver medal goes to Hawk2k2 - with question ratio of 19%.

SuPeRTaRD spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 49 times...

Runner-up auto-chatter: DSL_Tile - spoke 15 times with himself.

TheMeandMe had sticky Shift button - wrote 8 lines in CAPS.
 [15:36] <TheMeandMe> 4,1SMOKE W8,1EED EVE3,1RY DAY!
kv wrote longest lines - average of 44 letters per line.

Channel average on #revolt-chat was 27 letters.

Time of day stats

(Hours 12am-6am)
Early birds
(Hours 6am-12pm)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12pm-6pm)
Evening chatters
(Hours 6pm-12am)
1SuPeRTaRD - 479
TheMeandMe - 217
TheMeandMe - 415
SuPeRTaRD - 993
2SlowJustice - 172
voodoo_melon - 124
SuPeRTaRD - 414
DSL_Tile - 814
3acme^_^ - 112
DSL_Tile - 110
voodoo_melon - 307
SlowJustice - 276
4SpoonMan - 108
revlo - 88
Hawk2k2 - 289
hil - 271
5DSL_Tile - 74
IronBob - 42
TMaM|homework - 210
acme^_^ - 175
6Tron_man - 59
SuPeRTaRD - 36
revlo - 170
SpoonMan - 174
7LaserBeams - 44
kv - 30
GWC - 147
roseladi - 173
8stevejdowney - 29
TMaM|homework - 29
DSL_Tile - 138
shawn64 - 138
9revlo - 29
rst - 26
acme^_^ - 87
Tron_man - 132
10hil - 29
TMaM|jam - 25
stevejdowney - 65
rst - 122

Five random topics

Changed by New topic
"0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de
2,14 www.revoltunlimited.co.uk 8,12 www.rvladder.host.sk 12,0 www.revoltxtg.co.uk
11,1 http://perso.wanadoo.es/r353t  it's re-vol-tabulous! 0,12http://shawn64.vze.com"
"0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de
2,14 www.revoltunlimited.co.uk 8,12 www.rvladder.host.sk 12,0 www.revoltxtg.co.uk
11,1 http://perso.wanadoo.es/r353t it's re-vol-tabulous! 0,12 http://shawn64.vze.com"
"0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de
2,14 www.revoltunlimited.co.uk 8,12 www.rvladder.host.sk 12,0 www.revoltxtg.co.uk
11,1 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/revolt/ 0,12 http://shawn64.vze.com"
"www.revoltdownloads.com  www.rvarchive.com  www.themeandme.de  www.r...
...evoltunlimited.co.uk  www.rvladder.host.sk  www.revoltxtg.co.uk  http://per...
...so.wanadoo.fr/revolt/  http://shawn64.vze.com"
"0,2 www.revoltdownloads.com 8,4 www.rvarchive.com 2,15 www.themeandme.de
2,14 www.revoltunlimited.co.uk 8,12 www.rvladder.host.sk 12,0 www.revoltxtg.co.uk
11,1 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/revolt/ 0,7http://rvc0,7.2ya.com"
Total number of topics during the reporting period: 16

Activity distribution
11/2002 - 12/2002

Lines per day Number of days
1 (5.0%)
0 (0%)
1 (5.0%)
5 (25%)
6 (30%)
6 (30%)
1 (5.0%)
0 (0%)

This page was created on 1.12.2002 12:01pm with mIRCStats v1.19
Run time: 2 seconds. English language file done by Ave
mIRCStats is © 1998-2002 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen