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Snaking Guide

Snaking is when you powerslide back and forth on a straight path. This is the most commonly used trick in wi-fi. You'll know someone is doing if their kart looks glitchy and seems to keep disapearing, or they are going back in forth on a straight path. If their kart is all glitchy, they're not cheating, they're just skilled snakers. If you can see their kart go back and forth, they have proboly mastered snaking.

Snaking is "easy to learn, hard to master." I recommend Dry Bones in the Dry Bomber or Yoshi in the Egg1 (my choice). These can powerslide with better handling, and the powerslides have more power than other karts. To start off, go to timetrials and on figure-8 circuit. To powerslide, hold R and press left and right on the Dpad. The first turn of figure 8-circuit is left so as you come up to the turn, hold left and press R. Now fully press the Dpad right, then left, your kart will now make blue sparks. DO NOT LET GO OF R. Press right and left again, you should now have orange sparks. Now when you let go of R, you will get a speed boost. Make sure when you press right and left on the Dpad, the steering wheel of the driver turns as far as it can go each time. The more practice you get, the better you do this so eventually, powersliding will become second nature.

Now, to snake, make sure you have mastered powersliding. On figure-8 circuit, go on the straight run. Powerslide to the right, boost, IMMEDIATELY hop with R and turn left and powerslide left. Just do this the whole time. If you are going straight into the wall each time, you are doing it wrong and should practice powersliding more. You wil lonly be going at normal speed at first, but with practice, you will be going faster than the nintendo staff. Most people on wi-fi win because they are good snakers. Once you have mastered snaking, you'll have a great record. This is probably the hardest thing in the game to master. Remember, practice makes perfect.