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Banana This is a useful weapon, you can put it on the track and hope people run it over. Players commonly place it down when people are right behind them.

Green Shell A koopa shell that you throw in front of you to hit other players. This items bonuces off walls so it can be used on turns very easyly.

Red Shell A red koopa shell that you can throw in front of you, it automaticly seeks the person in front of you.

Mushroom A mushroom gives a boost to your kart helping you to go past people in front of you. This is a great item for shortcuts through the grass.

Lighting Bolt A lightning bolt is a rare item to get. This item is used to shrink players allowing you to crush them. When the lightning bolt is used your opponents spin out and slow down. This item usally lasts for 10 - 15 seconds.

This is practily the best item you can get. It makes you invicible. It allows you to hit opponents and go through them. It gives you top speed to get through the best places the fastest. Usualy lasts about 30 seconds.