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In 1998, Jumpman creator Randy Glover came across a website run by John Dagen called Save Jumpman. The Save Jumpman idea was to convince a software house (anywhere) to revise and update Jumpman. On reading about the continued enthusiasm for Jumpman, Randy Glover decided that he had the time and the inclination to attempt Jumpman 2.

Jumpman 2 is still in development. Randy released a playable pre-release version in 1999, but this has since been scrapped for a more ambitious and original take on Jumpman. Check out the Jumpman 2 webpage for details.

A near-perfect port of the original Jumpman to the PC was released by Christof Franke in 2001 and is available from his website. This version - "Classic Jumpman" - is a must-have for every Jumpman fan that uses a PC. Note that is does not run correctly on some Pentium III computers under Windows 98.

Jumpman is also available for the PalmOS. Jumpman Zero, by Dave Campbell, is an original freeware product, containing 10 all-new Jumpman levels. The Jumpman Zero webpage is here.

Original versions of Jumpman have been created on other operating systems, which can be run under common operating systems (such as Windows) using emulators. Check out the Jumpman Lounge Resources page for details.

The Jumpman Project is another attempt to port Jumpman to the PC, this time with extra features, such as a level editor. It is currently incomplete but playable in-progress versions are available.

In 2000 MidnightRyder.com were given permission by Randy Glover to build their own commercial Jumpman game - Jumpman: 2049. This is in development - check out their webpage, which includes a Jumpman discussion area - including input from Randy Glover and semi-regularly updated Developer Diaries. The Jumpman Lounge also has an exclusive preview of Jumpman: 2049.

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Hosted by ClassicGaming.com. Last Updated 18 July 2002. Email matty@classicgaming.com with any questions or comments.